
Responses from dodgealum

Harbeth vs. Tyler
Drubin: I have to agree--I've never seriously considered the Tyler's because it seems like Ty either stuffs the same drivers into different size boxes or, as you say, rotates different drivers into the same boxes with what seems to be little regar... 
Am I going crazy or?
If I could get "X" dollars for my whatever I'd sell. Otherwise it's not worth giving up my whatever for cash that may be used to purchase "Y" component. There may be someone out there willing to pay "X" and, if so, great. If not, that's OK too sin... 
First cd purchase
Bach Concertos for Violin by Trevor Pinnock and the English Concert after hearing the double concerto scored in the movie "Children of a Lesser God". This was my entry into the classical genre just about 20 years ago. I played it on my new Meridia... 
Report on Harbeths vs. Vandersteens
Thanks for sharing your impressions--I think you have made a move that many others might (and should) consider. I agree with most of what you say here but would add that the Harbeth's are far superior to the Vandy's in the QUALITY of the bass resp... 
Audiogon speaker wire gurus, please help me
Tcheathertree:Here is a review of some Empirical Design cables I ran up against the Au-24. You might be interested in how they performed in my system versus the Audience wires. A great value and utterly fantastic sound.Here is the link:http://foru... 
Sumiko Blackbird or Dynavector 20x for VPI?
In discussing my cartridge options with the folks at VPI they emphatically endorsed the Dynavector over all other choices in my price range, indicating that the cartridge weight, compliance, etc. were perfectly suited to the Scout series. I went w... 
Dedicated Power Line - Directions for Electrician?
Take a look at adding an Environmental Potentials Waveform Correction device to the panel that your dedicated line is on. It clears up any hash entering that panel from other appliances etc. I put one on as part of a home renovation project and am... 
AR SP16 Question......
Chadnliz:I had the same problem with 87db efficient Harbeth Compact 7's. It only got worse when I went to 96db efficient Daedalus DA-1's. This was only a problem with high output sources like my CD player--not really an issue with my medium output... 
where to get vpi scout antiskating
Don't bother. It doesn't work as advertised and actually creates more problems than it solves. I had one, struggled to get it to work properly for a month and then took it off. There are threads about this item if you want to read some more views. 
Audience Au-24 vs. Empirical Design Cable Review
I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts after trying a pair of the interconnects. Hope you enjoy them and please return to the thread when you have had a chance to listen after breaking them in. 
Audience Au-24 vs. Empirical Design Cable Review
Mrtennis:I'll do my best here bearing in mind that sometimes we audiophiles have different ways (and use different words) to communicate what we hear in our systems. I'm reminded of a recent thread on the subject of the "transparency" of a given s... 
AKUS - So Long So Wrong- Time to Stop Upgrading?
If you like AKUS you may also want to check out Kelly Willis. Her album "Easy" was produced by Gary Paczosa and the mastering was by Doug Sax at the Mastering Lab. Great sound and some really nice songs as well. Leans more to country than AKUS but... 
Transparency: What speakers have it in spades?
Drubin:Using your operational definition concur--the Harbeth's should not be on the list. Any speaker that sounds that good no matter what you put in front of it is not "transparent" by your definition. 
Warmest speaker?
Drubin:The Vandy 5A is one of the best speakers I have heard. Much more accurate throughout the range but in particular through the bass region. I believe this has to do with the ability to tune the bass frequencies to account for room characteris... 
Warmest speaker?
Vandersteen--to a fault.