
Responses from dodgealum

Cartridge recommendations under $2500
At that price point lots of great options many already mentioned. Over time I have discovered the value of a “balanced” presentation after experience with cartridges that excelled in certain areas or were colored in some way. I always felt my ART ... 
More power for moderate listening levels?
Interesting--lots of commentary here but apparently not by many that own or have experience with Harbeth's. I would suggest you check out the Harbeth user forum. Tons of information there posted by people using many different amps with YOUR speake... 
Vinyl Accessories - Skip It or Buy It!
Anyone try both the Funk Achromat and the Boston Audio Design "The Mat"? I'd be interested in comparisons as these both have strong supporters. Not cheap but user reports seem to confirm both offer a significant SQ benefit compared with felt, rubb... 
Room Acoustics With Vaulted Ceiling
Hey thanks again everyone. I was over at the new house yesterday and saw that the ceiling does not rise to a peak. Rather, it rises to about 12 feet and then there is a flat section connecting the two sections of the peak. As for materials, the ro... 
Vinyl Accessories - Skip It or Buy It!
Anyone try the Degritter? It looks like the best record cleaner I've seen in a while. 
Vinyl Accessories - Skip It or Buy It!
@slaw can u post or pm a link to the my mat for us?  
Room Acoustics With Vaulted Ceiling
Thanks, @jriggy Not the best at describing these things but the high point is at the middle of the longer dimension with the peak roughly directly above my listening position. Happy to PM about the 360. 
KEF Blade -- how good are they?
I heard them at a show in a large room—didn’t do a thing for me but I’m not often impressed by systems I hear under show conditions. 
Room Acoustics With Vaulted Ceiling
Thanks guys—a mixed bag so far I’ll have to see how it goes. Someone once said or wrote “big room, big problems” and I have been “blessed” throughout my journey to have consistently small or medium size rooms despite moving my system at least eigh... 
Conrad Johnson and Herron comparisons
@saika2 Unless Keith told you that directly I question your assertion that discontinued models are not eligible for revision upgrades. While sometimes parts availability can be a limiting factor, Keith’s product support is unrivaled IMHE. That sai... 
Conrad Johnson and Herron comparisons
Hey guys FYI I just put my VTSP-3A R03 up for sale here and on the USA Audiomart. After careful consideration and saving my pennies I’m going to try the new 360. Reach out if you have any questions. 
Need preamp recommendation
Sorry, @jjss49 but I disagree. As much as I like and admire Dan Wright I have owned both his LS100 and LS36.5. Neither came close to the performance of the Herron. The performance gap was not entirely attributable to personal preference or system ... 
Phonostage recommendations under $3K
A Herron VTPH-2 just came on the A'gon in your price range. It is being sold by TMR--I purchased from them and had a good experience. 
Need preamp recommendation
FYI/Shameless Plug: I am going to try the Herron 360 so recently posted my VTSP-3A (R03) for sale here and on the USA Audiomart.  
Which SS amplifier has similar sound as the LTA amplifiers?....
Dan—LTA amps are not like other tube amps. Almost no heat and extremely long tube life. Plus—incredible sound. Really truly the best of both worlds.