
Responses from dodgealum

New Audio Technica ART9XA Up and Running.....
Correction after I hit post--not a "bit" more but three times more. The Sig One retails for $3800. 
New Audio Technica ART9XA Up and Running.....
If folks are interested/able to spend a bit more the Charisma Signature One gives you everything the ART 9 has just more. Like my ART 9, the Charisma is exceedingly balanced and even-handed across the frequency range. It is also very transparent t... 
Speaker Audition
PS: curious what audio show you attended during the pandemic. 
Speaker Audition
I hear you on the horns—they do some things really well. I’ve heard the Charney’s at CAF and in his showroom (house)—they are good (not game changing but good). Your electronics and room compel a look at the Daedalus Apollo 11. They will give you ... 
New Audio Technica ART9XA Up and Running.....
30+ years at this and the ART 9 is the only piece of gear I regretted selling. Enjoy! 
What speaker – under $10k – has the best timbre and tonal qualities?
I hear you Wester. When I did my intensive speaker search many years ago I found lots of brands that did the audiophile checklist well but just did not sound “right” in the way you (and I) consider important. After listening to literally dozens of... 
High end Class D amps?
Some helpful insight here. Just starting to explore adding a sub to my system and wondering whether Class D is the way to go. The sub will run with an active crossover and is 94db efficient with a stable 8ohm load +\- 1db. I like the idea of a sma... 
Brand new VPI Prime 21 or used Clearaudio Innovation compact
At that price point I'd also add the Feikert Volare to your list. Purchased with the equipped Origin Live Silver tonearm you will have funds remaining for a very nice cartridge with enough output for the PH 7. I've heard the Volare with this arm a... 
IsoAcoustics GAIA
You may want to consider Revopods by Arya. Using them under my TT now and waiting for a new model specially design for loudspeakers which should be available in early 2020. 
J. Sikora Initial turntable
I’d recommend you take a look at the Sempersonus TE-2. It can be ordered with the same OL Silver that comes on the Volare and having heard both I’m guessing the TE-2 will significantly outperform the Volare. 
Review: Sempersonus TE-2 Idler-Type Turntable System (TW Raven 12/Charisma Signature One)
Update: I experimented with the rubber and cork mats that came with the TE-2, finding that the rubber mat alone sounded better than the cork/rubber compound. This led me to explore other mats via internet research and user comments. I decided to t... 
A move from Harbeth to... Wilson?
Sizing the speaker to the room is very important. I consider the M40s one of the best speakers out there and could easily live with them forever. That said, I would not go up to the M40's in a room that small. You won't get what they are capable o... 
A move from Harbeth to... Wilson?
@aj523 yes Daedalus Audio. The challenge will be auditioning but very much worth the effort! 
Cartridge recommendations under $2500
Cool—please post your observations! 
Cartridge recommendations under $2500
@lalitk I am using the Signature One but my comments apply to the entire line based on my reading of the reviews but also more importantly speaking in depth with Bernard Li of Charisma about his design objectives.