
Responses from docsavage

Looking for a Speaker in the $15,000 Range
I totally agree with Gleeds above. Innersound Eros mk3 or new Kaya. 
Which would you choose?
I agree with Mang53. I would add Innersound Eros to the mix. If you can find a set of Eros Mk2 or 3 you should give them a try. The new replacement for the Eros called Kaya runs 20k. 
Quad vs. Martin Logan?
Had Martin Logans. Now Innersound. No comparison. Innersound by far. I do agree with Duke's fine presentation. Regarding the rankings mentioned, I believe the Innersounds are only bested by Sound labs.A point worth consideration is the effect of c... 
First Preamp with Proper Balance
Yes, I have noticed the same exact thing. I have had to compensate in other ways. Speaker placement etc.I have a new preamp on order. I hope I have the same experience that you have had with your Rogue. 
Or the like is key. Try Innersound. My experience is that side wall placement is not as critical with stats. They have very little side wall radiation. As for power I am not sure of the power ratings for your present amp but it depends a great dea... 
4 Ohm Speakers, 8 Ohm Amps
I am somewhat new at this but I believe that the problem is that when you bridge the amps you increase the power but the load the the amps see is double as well. In other words the amps will see a 2 OHM load which may definately harm some amps. I ... 
Bryston 4b vs. Bryston 4b st.
Remember there is also the 4BSST. 
Best turntable for easy setup and no maintenence?
No question REGA 
Help on some under $2500 speakers
My friend and I have just come home from attending CES . He was researching speakers in this price range. After 4 days of listening he and I reached the same conclusion. That is that the new speakers introduced at the show by Acoustic Zen ARE A HO... 
Best and Worst sound at the CES Show 2004
I very much liked the Joseph Audio room. Excellent sound. I will collect my thoughts and give my other impressions when I have more time. 
Amp suggestions to mate with EAR 864 pre
EAR 509 or 519 mono bloc amps. Fantastic 
van morrison's best sounding album?
Van has gone thru many phases. The early works showed his distain of the music business and sometimes his love life. They were at times a bit dark one might say.Then the mystic or somewhat "religious " period.I would start with his latest offering... 
Best Tweak???
By far the Zeros I tried which were purchased by an Audiogon contact. Amazing!! I have tried iso platforms etc. but these autoformers between a set of EAR 519 amps and a pair of Innersound Eros speakers did more than some of my previous attempts a... 
Loud Hum
My 7BST's have a ground loop switch on the rear panel. If your amps have this just flick the switch. 
Best Pre-Amp with Phono Stage
Look into EAR 864 tube preamp with their incredible phono section. New for slightly over three. I don't think you will find any used.People keep them. Check with Audiogon dealer Jay at Audio revelation.