
Responses from dlwask

Review: Wilson Audio X-2 Alexandria Speaker
Very nice review. No digital source? 
How does good analog differ from good digital
Like yourself I never knew analog could sound as good as it does. Because of that I jumped right into vinyl. I listened to a lot of turntable set ups before making a decision on which one to purchase and in turn compared them to many digital sourc... 
Hum Problem with Grado
I recently bought my VPI Scout and set it up with a Grado Red just to get me going. I noticed a hum but only after a rather loud listening session where I left the volume way up and went to change a record. I was only a few feet from my speakers a... 
Source & specs for LP poly outer bags
I'm a vinyl newbe but...Would'nt the plastic bags cause static? 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ah yes...Riviera Paradise on vinyl, now we're talking! Soon as I read that post I had to put it on the 'table. One of my all time favorites for sure. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I finally made up my mind and bought a VPI Scout earlier this week, now I can play some of those LPs I've been staring at for months.Tonight it is James Taylor, Sweet Baby James and That's Why I'm Here. 
John Mayer...Heavier ThingsPeter Mallik group featuring Norah Jones...New York CityJust about anything mastered by Bob Ludwig, that guy is good. 
Von Schweikert VR2 complimet integrated tube Amp
For your speakers I would actually recommend a SS amp, especially with limited funds. Something like the older Bel Canto integrated would do nicely. If tubes are a must try the ARC VS55i. There is another thread here asking about amps used with VR... 
Room treatments
Room treatments can get expensive. But, it is the only way for us with less than perfect rooms to get the best sound. We all know our rooms are a MAJOR contributor to the sound we hear right!? Now, how many are willing to spend money on room treat... 
Best Bike to ride before a good listening session
Hey alright, a MTB thread!! Jose21, a Seven eh!? Very nice. My brother rides a Merlin XLM...to me that's about as good as it gets. Rob Vandermark (pretty sure that's the guy who ran Merlin and then started Seven) makes art in the form of Ti MTB fr... 
Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....
I post, therefore I am. Although I read more than I post. I guess that means I should say I post less than I read therefore I am...less!? No wait a minute that did not come out right either. Ah forget it that's why I just read more than I post.Ser... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Unfortunately nothing, I don't have a turntable yet. The wife says I have to wait until July to get one. I'm protesting and buying records anyway. I stack them up on top of my CD player hoping the vinyl sound will trickle in somehow. 
If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question
With $1,000,000 I'd dream up and purchase the best components $100k could buy and spend another $50k on software. Obviously this would mean the "budget" SOTA gear for me. Then I would build a modest home around a state of the art dedicated audio o... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
SRV, then Hendrix. 
Martin Logan Owners...Why should I?
Nickspicks,What VSA speakers did you end up with? My impressions are the same as yours when compared against the Martin Logans.