

Responses from dinov

Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes
Thanks @hilde45  great news. I’ve submitted my form. Seems there are two similar threads here.   
Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!
@aricaudio this is great! I filled out my form. Have seen that they are back in the hi fi game. I hope they will make these here in the US. Thank you.   
American Made Audio Products
@hilde45 thanks, as for your question I wasn’t really thinking about that because it’s almost a given that a large majority the the internal parts, ie transistors capacitors etc. are not made in the US, as is the same for many of the other non-us ... 
American Made Audio Products
@darkj thank you for getting in on the conversation about you 😀 and your website! I hope the group might have some questions for you. As I said I stumbled upon it, and you’ve now answered my question. I think it’s a great resource and I’m impress... 
American Made Audio Products
@hilde45 I missed who was saying what, so I’m sorry if I directed something at you that should have been to someone else. Lots of side tracks.   
American Made Audio Products
Thanks @thyce.  
American Made Audio Products
@audioguy85 , oh. I love British audio too, no disrespect. My headphones are Quad, and I love them although they were probably assembled elsewhere.  Support your home team!      
American Made Audio Products
@hilde45 no grumps here, I’m just trying to see if anyone knows more about the website. As for American made, I try to support American companies when I can. No agenda. Just a question and something I thought I’d share with the group   
American Made Audio Products
Thanks @milpai I read the authors bio (you have to dig for it) and what his intentions are. Just curious if anyone know for sure. I really appreciate all of the input.   
American Made Audio Products
That’s what I need to know @stereo5   thanks.   
Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
No. I feel that good speakers are like wine! Vintage is good. I have Tannoy Churchill’s which get better with age….timeless.   
Power Conditioning on the Cheap
I use shunyata defenders throughout my house and the small Audioquest Niagara 1000 on one of my spare systems. All of them I’ve picked up used here on Audiogon and eBay. All work great and I saved a lot of money.   
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?
Bob Weir McIntosh, Neil Young McIntosh and Tannoy…..just from what I know  
Can a Bluesound Node 2i power supply really be upgraded?
@jjss49 I run mine thru a McIntosh D 150 dac. And yes it is nice! So nice I just bought a Nordost Valhalla digital interconnect to connect the node to the dac. I thought it’s now worthy of a good digital cable.   
Recommendations for automatic tonearm lift
I have a qUP on my VPI Scout II and it works flawlessly. For $29 it’s a bargain.