
Responses from dill

Albertporter only needs 50
I have used ProGold as a contact enhancer and found that a metal cleaner followed by Deoxit (to remove all cleaner residue) and then a coating of ProGold works well. Another product I have used in the past as a cheap contact enhancer is RailZip, u... 
Good speakers for Pass Aleph 3?
I have an Aleph 3 driving a pair of Silverline Sonatinas ( Avalon style) and they are a great match. Great amp, by the way! 
Albertporter only needs 50
Maxgain, remove your outlets and clean the copper wire ends with brasso, flitz or wenol. I cleaned the wire clamps inside the recepticle also, along with the blade contacts, use a toothpick and pipecleaners. You will be amazed at all the black gru... 
Anyone had experience with Odyssey Stratos?
Visit www.harmonicdiscord.com for lots of info on this amp. 
Class A solid state power amp
I agree with Unsound and Jameswei. I also have a Pass Aleph 3 and enjoy it very much. Your gear looks like it would match well with the amp. 
Pass Aleph vs. McCormack: What to Expect?
I have an Pass Aleph 3 also and found a very good after market power cord makes a big improvement in bass. I am using a NBS Monitor power cord with great results. Believe it or not, putting the amp up on 3 brass spikes also helped. 
Counterpoint Hybrid Amps: How do they sound?
Check out this website for all your Counterpoint needs:www.altavistaaudio.com 
Stereo or Home Theater?
I think one of the main problems is that people think that one system will satisfy both camps. I have found the best way to go is to have two separate systems in two locations. Unless you are an avid videophile, you will, most likely use your audi... 
Is the "red dot" the same as R or L?
Red normally means "right" or "positive" 
Looking for speaker to match with pass lab aleph3
Check out Silverline speakers. I am using the Aleph 3 with a pair of Sonatina I's with great results. Make sure you invest in a good after market power cord, like NBS. Gjrad is correct, 45 min. to an hour warm up for the best results. 
DH Labs Q10 or Analysis Plus Oval 9?
I have both cables now, plus the Oval 9 jumpers. I prefer the Ovals and I am considering getting another run, so the jumpers will be for sale if you are interested. I also put the Ovals on the bottom and both leads of the Q-10 on top. Actually tha... 
Stay away from UPS. Never use UPS.
You might be able to flatten the record by putting it between two pieces of glass, place it in the oven on the LOWEST SETTING for about 20min. or until the record is flat. If it is very warped put a weight on the top glass. 
What are some excellent mid -priced tuners?
Check out Fanfare 
What would you do about a sleazy buyer??
I was small high-end dealer in the 90's. This is the sort of thing that happened all the time. To add insult to injury, many times I would find out later, they bought the same product, elsewhere at reduced cost .... send him a bill for your time .... 
Comparison ARC Classic 30 and VT-50
I have owned a Classic 30 and it is a very good amplifier. Never had any problems, sounds great and unless you are into ear-bleed volumes, the power output is more than enough for all but the largest rooms. I do recommend using ARC LitzLine speake...