
Responses from didactically

Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
Nothing personal, and no offence. You can move on rather than persume to instruct others behavior, or where, and when they express themselves, which can only threaten the potential success of a mutually benificial and productive relationship. 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Did you just miss the point, or is it a strategy to so erronously characterize what I actually said, or at least obviously meant.I am not 'die hard' anything other than 'true to the original' as a principal in audio. Though I realize it is a depar... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
I think tubes are great. It is distortion that I do not like. It interfers with the music, which is what I prefer to hear rather than the system. (The 'connoissers of coloration' nothwithstanding :-)For some reason fewer tube amps are made with di... 
Replace Bryston 7BSST by Goldmund 29M
You must have one HUGE room. I mean like as big as a house, for that much speaker. Otherwise, why? 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Yes, I do not go over well with the 'connoisseurs of coloration'. My perspective is a pin that pops their 'preference-for-a-specific-distortion-chracteristics' bubble.So they rant, shoot at the messenger as it were, instead of cry, and kick themse... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
I am glad you are happy. I saw a guy once picking his nose and eating the booger. He was very content. I did not care to watch it, but I had no anamosity or resentment for the fellow, you know what I mean.You listen to your tubes, I will listen to... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
It is obvious now. YOu guys enjoy this. After me there will be someone else. Like before me, huh. That is why you cannot leave it alone, and just move on. It what you do. Well, you have noticed its not what I do. I just could not let you wise in o... 
Choosing Components for a Hi Fi System
B&W makes enclosed cabinet speakers as good as they can be. The entire line is superior for what each model is. PSB is not bad either. But aesthetically, which seems to be of serious convern, the Nautilous 805 monitor is georgeous. Especially ... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
So, the shoe fits. OK. I am aware of what I express as inferior, primitive, or just immature.Much is revealed by what we identify with. In a way, life is an ink blot. What you see is 'who you are'. Or, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Ever ... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
As I read posts I take out what I want of what I am interested in, or of what I think may be of benfit or useful, and ignore what I do not understand, or particulary like. Of course with no animosity, hostility, or condemnation.Like picking berrie... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Though the CA-301SE is getting there, and better than most (the 10 Damping Factor is a good sign) still at THD <0.5% (over a very decent frequency range), it still is noticabley over a cutoff of <0.1% THD. An excellent ss amp for instance is... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
You grossly over estimate your value...at least to me. and, sorry, I just do not feel compelled to follow your direction/correction concerning audio, and certainly not personally.How did this get personal anyway? I recall warning in the beginning ... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
How about Hafler DH-200/220, Muse 160, ATI, Bryston, Jeff Rowland Design Group.... in ascending order of cost from $200 to $8kAll over an approx. frequency range of 5hz-50khz, and with an Output Impedance of <0.4ohms.A minimum standard is <0... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
The Cary 805 for instance, has a limited frequency range (only 20hz-20khz) and they do not even mention distortion in their specs. That cannot be good.For inaudible distortion you want a min of <0.1% THD, IMD, over a 5hz-50khz frequency range. ... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
When, and why, did I become the subject of this thread? I mean, I am flattered, but What happened to audio.