
Responses from didactically

Transparent users... Question
FYILook what the designer of the Sterephile 1998 Speaker of the Year http://audioartistry.com $38k 'Beethoven', Seigfried Linkwitz, of 'Linkwitz-Riley' fame, uses on his personal Beethoven system:Q37 - What cables and interconnects do you recommen... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
Yea, that is it. Any comments about, oh, I don't know, audio? 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
Mr Fatparrot,Are you inferring that I have not made my position clear?Antogonize somebody else for a while. 
Tube Amp Suggestions
How far into name calling will you go before coming up for air and emulate some semblence of maturity, dignity, respect and sanity, anyway.What you call others says more about you than them. It does not change anyone in any way. Even if they retal... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Your insults (which say more about you than me) notwithstanding, hear is SL's reply as I promised:'I am not sure that I had seen Cheever's thesis, but glancing at it I see that I have been familiar with his observations. I sometimes say that "the ... 
Suggestions for best speakers for Pass aleph 3
Maybe for efficent monitors. Again, go by the speaker mfgr recommendation. Though it is wise to use a little more power than the minimum: for a 'sense of ease' at higher playback levels. While careful not to exceed the maximum. More power does not... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
Huh? Are you so used to people complying with your demands. Or is it just wishful thinking. I do not HAVE to answer anything. Nor do you. And frankly, I am amazed at getting so much attention. And so little having anything whatever to do with audi... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Spoken like a true 'connoisseur of coloration'. An eloquent justification.'The power of suggestion works exceedingly well, when listeners cannot trust their own hearing. I recommend to re-calibrate yourself frequently. Listen closely to all sorts ... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
You guys are relentless. And angry. Like that has anything to do with me. 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Why do you care what I think, or even whether I think, and why are you so angry? I know it does not have anything to do with me.You also sound like the President. If you challenge what he thinks you are not patriotic. To critique a Republican does... 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
Thank you for a gentlemanly reaponse. A refreshing change from the 'cat-fight-to-maintain-the-illusion-of-premenance' clique. For them:NEW RULE (in the spirit of Bill Mahar)Confine discussion to audio issues, resisting the temptation to get person... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
I have sent the paper to Siegfried Linkwitz for his opinion.Scanning the Conclusion it appears that he does not necessarily take the postion specs are not useful for evaluation. But he does infer the premise that listening is subjective so 'whatev... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
I am not interested in learning something 'new'. 'THere is nothing new under the sun.' I am interested in learning someing 'true'.BTW you do not think that because it is a 'Masters thesis' that it is true, do you? The President went to Harvard.How... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
A wise man once said, ' most error is the result of a false premise, carelessly assumed, then building on that premise'.You do not know what I have listened to. Yet you proceed as though you did, then presume to have made a convincing argument.At ... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
Slay? in what way?Define 'good sounding'.FYIIt is actually more difficult to design a distortion free solid state amp than a tube design. It makes you wonder why it is more difficult to find tube amps with tolerable levels of distortion.But then s...