
Responses from dgarretson

KLE RCA plugs are the real deal!!
I accord with grannyring.  I've made ICs with these and can confirm that they sound great and hold up after many reinsertions.  For a solderless connection, the more expensive Bocchino RCAs are preferable, but with KLE it is still possible to make... 
It was 50 years ago today....
@mofimadness I'll take John Lennon with his fur jacket "That was actually Yoko's fur coat."Yes, but it was his coat for future value at auction, and certainly his sideburns, if not the walrus. 
Spam threads gone wild...
Never seen a single spam on Audio Asylum.  Who's crazy now? 
Spam threads gone wild...
@whart As those "learning" bots evolve the proper Venn diagram for the audio hobby, perhaps we'll begin to see Viagra spam... Though voodoo is certainly common as well around here.  
Spam threads gone wild...
As of 9:30am ET, 96 of 98 Agon posts on new topics within the past 12 hours are spam!   
Spam threads gone wild...
It's cheesy that Agon moderators routinely delete controversial posts by audiophiles, but fail to filter spam detritus at ingress.  This has mostly ruined the site during nighttime hours.   
It was 50 years ago today....
I'll take John Lennon with his fur jacket and Epiphone guitar on that rooftop as the iconic image of R&R in any era. 
Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic
I just finished building a pair of Doug S. double balanced ICs using Connex/DH-Labs BL-Ag solid silver bulk cable, and compared that to a single run of the same cable.  It's not a fair comparison, as I also replaced standard Neutrik connectors wit... 
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
The tip of the long cue bar is  only point of potentially destructive contact with a carelessly handled LP.  I added a small rubber nipple to the tip to address that.  
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
Sh*te, I need a proof-reader or new eyeglasses. It’s its when it's not it’s. 
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
@ct0517 Its DIY heritage begins with the original design by Poul Ladegaard. IIRC, he envisioned this as a linear tonearm that could be built at a kitchen table using basic tools and standard parts from a hardware store.  Vic at Trans-Fi turned tha... 
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
Thanks for the plug, Lew and Raul. Regarding Trans-Fi, I haven't kept up with Vic's latest innovations, but am all in on its excellent performance independent of price.  As a DIYer, I eventually migrated from the stock alum sled/cradle with knife ... 
MQA is Legit!
+1 @mofimadness and in my case, that's with just the first MQA unfold in Roon. 
MQA is Legit!
Another angle on this is that MQA may ensure that no watermarking, with attendant deterioration of SQ, is applied to MQA downloads or streams. 
Leather finish
At this price level, non-animal "leather" (e.g. vinyl/Naugahyde/Ultrasuede) is tacky.  You won't find that in a Lambo, Ferrari, or Porsche.