
Responses from detlof

Amazing Solo Piano Recordings
Audphil, it is amazing music indeed. Scherbakow's rendering on Naxos is excellent to my mind and also those of Keith Jarret and Vladimir Ashekenase, however to my taste Tatiana Nikolajewa has best covered the spirit of these pieces. 
Music for "Tough Times"
These days it is mostly Bach......and Ricky Lee Jones. 
Amazing Solo Piano Recordings
Just discovered:Piotr Anderszewski playing the Bagatelles op.126 by Beethoven om Virgin Classics. There is also Beethovens Piano Concerto No 1 on the same CD with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie of Bremen, but that is not much to write home about.... 
Replacement for my Beveridge RM-1 and MD D-75?
Darren,Why not take a look at his: after a long hiatus, forced upon me by bad fortune, I slowly got back into this hobby, I bought one from the same source, drove it with Quad 63s a... 
The "Spoiler" with "Pace Car"
Good point Kubla! I feel the jab at the ability to render dynamics or the lack thereof could be quite a grave issue. I find that the Spoiler renders large orchestral music beautifully with the right kind of software on the laptop. You can do bette... 
The "Spoiler" with "Pace Car"
Here finally is a review for the Spoiler plus Pacecar: have to agree with most of the reviewer's findings, except that I found the unit to be more dynamic in my system than he found in his. 
Replacement for my Beveridge RM-1 and MD D-75?
Hi -Darren,This wonderful preamp, designed by Roger Modjieski was badmouthed by Harry Person of TAS, who preferred the Audio Research SP-9 and sales dropped sharply after that, one of the reason that the old Beveridge Company went backrupt, if I r... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
I drive a lot of very expensive cables, so on the road it is nothing but a humble old Fiat, but it is a convertible so you get a nice suntan and feel good, if you discount the melanoma and it does 0-100km/h in less that 15 minutes. Top speed in re... 
Subwoofer Power Amplifier Recommendations
Of course you are right Rodmann, but since Slhijb wanted power, I suggested two. In fact, I substituted my two Behringers for the Gradient with 60 watt Atmas, which then blended much better with the Quad 63s I used at the time. 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Hear-hear, as the Brits say.....(: 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Tvad, you make good sense. This could well be so. Whatever, lets enjoy he music, noise or no noise, digital and analog... 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Tvad, I've found this especially true with SACD, mostly of course with those made from old RCA or CBS three channel master tapes. Oddly enough, if comparing this to the the original LPs drawn from the same sources, you hear no such thing, possibly... 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Tvad, reason and what has remained of school physics demand that I agree with you. Often enough surface noise is masked by the music, no doubt about that. But with some LPs, even in silent passages, there is just no surface noise and I swear that ... 
Subwoofer Power Amplifier Recommendations
Get a pair of Behringer professional amps for about 300 bucks or less per unit, set them to mono (bridging) and they will give you about 500 watts per side. You won't need a low pass filter unless you have a TT which rumbles like a hungry lion sno... 
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?
Plato, Atmasphere and Stringreen are right. If you do things properly, which needs experience and patience and quite a bit of dough alas, vinyl reproduction can be so quiet that Tvad would be quite surprised. Perfect setup, a well designed TT and ...