
Responses from derekw_hawaii

Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI
@signaturesound  Thanks Rich. It will really interesting the hear how the AS Class D compares to and pairs with the TSMs. Probably the first and only class D pairing observations to date. Please especially comment as to the clarity and soundstage ... 
Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI
drewdawg. Thanks.  
Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI
sbank, soix, rodge. Thank u.  
Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI
vinylvalet. Thanks for the referral. Never heard of these. If you ever get to hook the Merlins up, please drop a comment, pm or publicly. I am inclined to put much greater weight upon actual listening pairing.  
Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI
soix, Budget would be $5k max, probably in the used market, as there may be more value there.  Clarity (absence of veil) and soundstage, ,but I would like to be emotionally invested in whatever I listening to.Not into analytical listening. marco1... 
RIP oregonpapa
RIP Oregonpapa. Condolences to his family and friends.  
Cables ... no longer opinion
Can someone please explain or reconcile this flat ribbon design verses the hellix construction others espouse? Any practical AB real world comparison between actual cables, DIY or commercial, that anyone cares to share? 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
You all may benefit from placing a small 4 inch pie / tart tin pan below your SGs.YMMV, but I'm getting more mpg, and needing it. Gas prices are going up!  
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
MC, thank you for the post.I will unfollowing this discussion as it has degregated to anything other than a discussion of a power cable.I favor free exchange of ideas in the spirit and manner of mutual respect between free thinking individuals con... 
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
Seems like there's a outbreak of Millercarbon Deranged Syndrome. For those in fear, please take the vaccine, go into lockdown mode and double up on the mask. Or Just don't watch, like CNN. You will be in a better place.Some of us have acquired ... 
One Cord To Rule Them All
Thought this might be of slight interest to those on this thread. Courtesy of another OP here on Agon. 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Merry Christmas, Mahgister. Can you post a photo of your Christmas corner ornament? 😊 I'm having a difficult time conjuring up your design. Thanks. 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Mahgister, please post a photo of your latest iteration when you have time. It seems you are integrating your past findings into a Moab product that is a culmination of all your past individual experiments. Lucky us. 
Springs under turntable
Mijostyn's sub array worked for me (I don't have nearly the quality of subs that mijostyn has) primarily because of my room set up did not accomodate sub placements throughout the room. (Thanks mijostyn). I also cross pretty high based on the simp... 
Springs under turntable
Hi guys, For those that experienced  loss of bass using these springs, did clarity and detail correspondingly increase, and visa versa.Assuming you experimented, what component  that was "springed" most benefited the clarity of your system? Thanks.