

Responses from denverfred

What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
Yeah, I went thru the dimpled dome experience after a flood. The complex’s lawn irrigation system sprung a huge leak next door and left my basement listening room with about 3" of water. Emergency crew moved my Dynaudio C60 speakers. Yes, I should... 
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?
No reason to go for neutrality if you hate the sound. Rock and Techno/electronic stuff? Have at it. Whatever sounds best.But if you're into anything acoustic or vocal, neutrality is essential.Of course, we may disagree on the meaning of "neutral."... 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
MagisterThanks.I'm thinking on the whole concept of "placebos." Must do some reading to get into the mix of opinion/research.Horrors! Can one become a "placebophile"? Hard to define something that, by definition, doesn't exist.Happy listening! 
How do you all manage mild hearing loss?
Thanks to Goofyfoot for the tip on Ginko.I went through all the head-tilting and chair-tweaking too. I found that a bit of acoustic absorption on the strong side (left, for me too) and not very much on the weak side had a major effect, especially ... 
Threshold SA/3
Wow!Wish I had inherited one of those.Treat it right and it will really perform.Meaning: keep the air circulating around it. You should avoid fans blowing heat back onto the guts. Cabinets/furniture may need modification for more air flow.Lucky yo... 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Want to report that adding a shungite brick above my mains panel and putting 5X7 tiles on my AC power distribution components (among the source component connectors) has lowered noise levels considerably. It is particularly noticeable on my TV, wh... 
Recommend speakers for Hegel H190
I think you can find a set of used Harbeths for that money. 
Guidance on Speaker Wire
Stay with Transparent.All cable brands sell bulk cable to hi-end custom installers. The cables will pull easier and withstand the physical abuse of retrofit wiring.Good luck.At least: No more feedback! 
Looking to improve my system
Millercarbon's got the right idea, but just start by going as goofy as you can afford on a really good, well reviewed AC cable for your power amp. No DIY. I'll bet you're thinking of spending a pile on this, and you  might, so what's a couple hund... 
$5k Pair Full Range Speaker Shootout - Help me pick
NOT the JBL's.Holy cow, $5K will buy a lot of speakers. Look up Magnepan. They go direct with sure return policy. One of the best companies in the business in every respect IMCE. 
Any ECM fans here?
I was fortunate to have been managing a hifi store at the time ECM pressings first appeared. The European pressings were very prized. I was also blessed to have a jazz-fusion bass player as one of my employees. Between us, we managed to afford a f... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Greetings all. First time on this thread. So many threads, so few looms.My CD collection is now under review. Streaming is starting a cull of old CDs.Just want to give a heads up to Qobuz freaks that the new recording from BIS is now streaming:Lam... 
How do you all manage mild hearing loss?
I have hifreq loss and tinnitus. I admit it drove me nuts for awhile, but I learned a long time ago never to worry about things I can't control. My system sounds better than ever and I just KNOW(?) that my ultra-hi frequencies are outstanding! If ... 
Tin Foil Hat Audio
I'm more and more convinced that what we need around here is a good thread on placebos. I doubt there is any tweak out there that hasn't been credited with creating placebo effect. If I take a placebo and it cures my pain, do I care that it's a pl... 
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time?
I've got a pair of PSB speakers. Must have triggered one of the few memories I have left.Can anyone get me a new brain fuse?