
Responses from dekay

Silver cables - Great price!!
I received a pair of Homegrown's Super Silver 1.0m interconnects yesterday and am in the process of breaking them in. Out of the box they sounded horrible, no bass, sibilance on female vocals, tiny soundstage (again the bass), fuzzy HF and a total... 
What is the name of this song??
I recently purchased a novelty item (a motion sensitive, battery operated fake-fish with animated lips mounted on a faux-wooden plaque) that sings a short version of this song. It is not hifi but it is fun, if you really like the song. They are so... 
Best female vocals on CD
I do not know if she has already been mentioned but I recall listening to Laura Nyro in the early 70's and finding her vocals to be quite moving. I have not searched for her on CD but will do so soon. My wife picked up a CD by Vonda Shepard who si... 
Bagpipe Music
I have a double CD of Basque music entitled "Kepa Junkera" which features Paddy Maloney of (The Chieftains). It has both "Swiss" and "Galician" bagpipe on a few of the songs. Other instruments include darbuka, valiha, trikitixa, cabassa, timple, c... 
Uncoloured Speaker for $450
I recently purchased the Castle Acoustics Isis speakers. They are now discontinued, but I was able to locate a pair (in cherry wood) through their US distributor based in Niagra Falls. Reviews are available at as well as a review a...