Responses from dekay
What is your reference? My ultimate goal is to fool myself that I am either listening to a live performance or listening in on a studio performance. Hearing more detail than was intended or noticed when when preparing the final mix on material is not productive to enjoyi... | |
Silver cables - Great price!! Gallaine - You write a very informative review. I wish that I could express my thoughts as clearly. The sibilance seemed to start dropping out at a little over 200 hours on my pair and was not a problem past 225. I do not know how long you have be... | |
Worst Music of All-Time Wrong thread David99, your breaking in the Homegrown's again aren't you. | |
Silver cables - Great price!! Addendum to most recent posting. Right after I posted the follow up on Homegrown Audio's Super Silver cables this morning UPS delivered my new (used) Harmonic Tech. Pro AC11 powercord. I replaced the stock cord on my CAL Icon MKII and (what else) ... | |
Worst Music of All-Time John Lennon "Wailing Wall", think that was the title. Or anything with Yoko Ono screaming (wailing) in the background. The music on its own, sans wailing, was good, it was just the combined effect that made me cringe. | |
Silver cables - Great price!! I like the Homegrown Super Silver cables in my system. They now have approx. 225 hours on them. I found them unlistenable up to the 150 hour mark, but after that they have balanced out nicely. They have an extremely detailed sound. The sound from ... | |
Roksan: Any experience with this company This is half on the subject and regards Roksan's distibutor May Audio Marketing. Three months ago I was attempting to locate a pair of the discontinued Castle Isis speakers in cherry wood, only mahogany was available at the shops. I phoned May Aud... | |
Cat Stevens.... Great Artist or Wacko? I never could stand Cat Stevens. During the 80's the LA County Tax Collector played "Baby it's a Wild World" over and over on a continuous loop when you were placed on hold -which could be for eight hours until they cut you off. I never could stan... | |
Vintage Receivers vs. Modern MidFi Good point Joe_b. The last time I used the Advent in a system was in the mid 80's. I also did not use CD's as a source. When I jumped back into this hobby 3-4 months ago I pulled some old Quad solid state gear out of storage and thought I had it m... | |
Biwire to Single??? You would be completing the circut with the internal wires instead of the jumper plate. It should be a better connection, though as Sam noted in that thread it may (most likely will) void the warrenty on your speakers. I just stripped 3" on the en... | |
Biwire questions - Best cable for I always thought that the two sets of terminals, one set for LF and one set for HF were there for bi-amping. | |
Vintage Receivers vs. Modern MidFi Hi Carter: A few of the older receivers that I remember sounding very good are the Marantz 2270 and the Luxman 1050. They are warm and smooth souding but do not have the detail of the modern couterparts, they do however sound very musical and are ... | |
Annoying Sibilance=digital glare? I am also in the process of breaking in these interconnects. Search under Homegrown at this sight and you will find more info. Everyone that has responded regarding break in time, both from Audiogon and by private email, has suggested 100-200 hour... | |
Best female vocals on CD Tubegroover - I really have to give my wife credit for most of the suggestions that I have posted in this thread. I know that this is why I snapped at Sluggo who I know nothing of other than his Boooooring post. I grew up in Des Moines listening m... | |
Feelings on Napster? Treyhoss - I agree that it is an injustice but the courts will have to decide whether it is illegal. I beleive that recording music off the radio for personal use is technically illegal, but really hard to police. I did some investigations for ASC... |