

Responses from dekay

Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
SF: Carl said that his Bottleheads are on back order which may sway me to the preassembled Decware. I already have the purchase of a SET preapproved with my better half "just stop talking about the dammed thing and buy it". Plus I just sold a pain... 
Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
SF: Check out bottlehead.com also if you have not been there. These seems to be the two cheap SET camps that divide the States at this time (will it never end). From what I gather at the SET forum at Audio Asylum (which is like studying the Torah)... 
Relief? The New Digital Players
I guess that I stopped auditioning to soon with the Arcam players, they did have the model 9 in stock. The 8SE had more detail than my CAL and almost as much bass, it just did not sound as musical. I do not know how to desrcibe what it missed that... 
Relief? The New Digital Players
Hi Sedond: I have a bare bones system. A Musical Fidelity X-A1 integrated now with the X-A50 mono blocks on order in Canada that should arrive in a couple of weeks to bi-amp a pair of Castle Isis moniters. The player is a CAL Icon MkII with vibrop... 
Relief? The New Digital Players
The Meridians etc. are more than I would like to pay. My real world favorites have been the Theta Miles and the older Audio Resolution which are still a stretch budget wise even used but are still tempting. If I considered either I would want to c... 
Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
Trelja: I am sold on the SET sound, but always have a tendancy to look for an easy out before spending cash. I have even stupidly considered the SS Audio Refinment as a substitute for tubes. I have owned McIntosh, Eico and Dynaco push/pull amps an... 
Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
Tubegroover: Yes it's usually that simple. I also lust recently for a little SET after playing with a Decware (early model with no paint on the chassis) a few weeks ago. I went to their website and see that they now have an optional cage for the l... 
Which track do you demo to your friends?
Carreras, Domingo and Pavarotti "In concert Mehta" on London (any cut). Rossini "Comic Overtures" on Acum, Israel (any cut). Dudley Moore "Songs Without Words" GRP Records, for piano (any cut). Clapton "Unplugged" track #13 "Old Love". Lou Reed "P... 
Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
To clarify my question above - has anyone used an SET preamp with a SS amp and does it have any of the characteristics of a SET amp? 
Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
Since SET amps are out what tube preamp would offer the 3D and "they are here" sound of a SET? A continueing thought in many of the threads is that the preamp (a tube preamp) makes the system. Would you be able to get some of the SET sound with a ... 
Interconnects for Tube amps
Carl: Would you be interested in demoing a pair of the Homegrown's (broken in 1.0 meter)? I have two sets now as well as the HT's and am willing to ship one to you for evaluation. I would like to hear your opinion as I am certain that you will hav... 
Bananas vs. Spades
Swampwalker: I get it now. As you said, I would skip the extra connector if possible though I do not have any suggestions for supporting the cable. And, I know what you mean about the clumsiness of the fat cables as I have difficulty keeping my HT... 
Bananas vs. Spades
Swampwalker: I am always confused as to why people use connecters at all. I use bare wire. I tried Kimber bananas on my Kimber wire and found that the bare connection sounded better. The only thing is that I have been told that they should be clea... 
Interconnects for Tube amps
I use Homegrown Audio Super Silver interconnects $70.00 and pure silver on my SS system and they sound super. I also use Harmonic Tech. Truthlinks for a change of pace and for poor recordings. I don't see that they would sound worse on a tube setu... 
what is everybody listening to right now
Forever Tango "The Eternal Dance" with Lisandro Adrover. Not the best recording but some "Nice Tango". Also "For the Love of Ella Fitzgerald" two CD set from Verve/PolyGram and "Blown to Smithereens" the best of. All from a thrift shop and mint fo...