
Responses from decooney

Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
All brands have issues here or there. Sometimes brand new parts can go bad and humans build them, gets dropped hard in shipping, whatever... things happen. Many get lucky and have no issues for 20+ years too. It’s the dealer and manufacturer suppo... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
warmly invite you to consider tracking down and auditioning a pair of Quad ESL speakers. 63s, 988s, 2805/2905, etc. Any of these might require a rebuild (cost about $2000 with shipping) but there is a reason why these are universally well regarde... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@russellrcncom 228 posts 02-26-2020 10:27 I’m in a similar situation (looking for a tube pre / SS amp combo.) and I was wondering if there are tube pre’s that are more suited to SS amp matching in terms of impedance matching. Do I just go by the 1... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
Hilde45, the VAC 100/100 tvad is referring to is on Agon now. Combo ad of preamp and amp together. 11 hours left on ad. tvad,I noticed your prior VAC PHI 200 recommendation above (quad of 6SN7) input/drivers and VAC 100/100 with 12AU7s input/drive... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
to: @hilde45   One last recommendation.  Set your budget limit -or- this will be a long roller coaster ride for you and others making recommendations for you.   
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@mesch 1,990 posts02-24-2020 7:38am@decooney Yes, I love my Audio Mirror Tubadour DAC. Getting the Aric Pre today, on the Fedex truck heading this way. Likely one day will have to replace the BEL. Getting a replacement that provides what it does w... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@mesch 1,987 posts02-24-2020 6:45am@decooney I have the Jolida Fusion preamp and have looked up, and followed up with a talk with Mike Allen of Jolida about the possible upgrades. I decided that for the cost, and my desire to go a more simpler, po... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@hilde45,A few reasons some of us were noting the Pass INT-60, is you were: -suggesting less efficient (84db) speakers, a bit more required to drive them.-you seemed to be leaning back to solid state vs. tube amplification.-uncertain about matchin... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
+1 gotvinylThere are two AI version "3.0" units on auction right now at $1200-1300.A dear friend had one for many years. I always liked that preamp, 6DJ8 tube based too. Quality chassis, nice smooth volume control.  Had a pretty dark background to... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@hilde45 OP175 posts02-23-2020 2:10pm@decooney Good to know. The match I’ll need advice on, if I go this way. You’re tempted by the Pass? Wouldn’t that be abandoning tubes? Hmmm. Probably should stick with one god if you’re a monotheist.For less m... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
But the INT60 is 60 watts, right? And Jim Salk said 100 watts minimum, right? I suspect the answer for this Pass Labs stuff is going to be in the "not all watts are the same" category — right?Without getting into too far into the weeds, "Yes". And... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
To: @hilde45You CAN get great sound of your 84db Salk Wow1s If you bought them already. :) Those or most Dynaudio speakers will require some grunt. Looking at 20w integrated amps gives ideas on tube/tone, but not what is needed to get the most out... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@hilde45, @decooney Thanks for the explanation about the non-remote QS. Noted for future reference. Also, they DO have the Quicksilver Mid Mono Amp. Maybe I just suck it up and get QS separates? That would work with any speakers, right?Key Questio... 
Cary Audio: Tube preamp (SLP-98) paired with (SA-200.2) solid state amplifier?
Hi Wolf, Incidentally, on that note I live in Pass land. :) Threshold, Pass, XA, Firstwatt, all around me, everywhere here. Along with competing AudioNote custom tube amp builders (battle of the amp builders..hahah)  Grew up working at the same sp... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
@mesch  I would likely had the QS pre in my system if not for a Friend that was a dealer for Jolida setting me up with mine at cost. Both represent value. Yes, and key question. Not sure which Jolida preamp you have, BUT, have you reached out to t...