

Responses from dean_palmer

Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!
I still have my main speakers since 1987 when I bought my Polk SDA-1C. Keepers for sure. I also have a set of McIntosh LS340, but want to upgrade to the LS-360. That said, nothing wrong with adding others that will also be keepers, but my limitati... 
Digital music questions
Amazon Music Unlimited is my choice for streaming as it is inexpensive, user-friendly, and can stream 192/24 hi-res as needed. I also stream locally resident files. Say NO to Apple BS, you'll be happier going around any Apple software crap. The Ap... 
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
I don’t care if my system is posted, as most of my conversations are not about or based on my personal system(s). My responses are usually not about what I have on my shelves, and my time as an audio fanatic is not all about my own current situati... 
Can an audio rack be that important?
Better is better but it's just furniture. A rack is generally not going to improve or even affect the audio itself, but we must consider things like a turntable if part of the system on the rack (let's assume no turntable for a second). We will ha... 
Vacuum tube amplified headphones...
Interesting, but the marketing seems to be full of statements that are simply fallacies. "Add warmth to digitally recorded music." LMAO. Did they involve any actual audio engineers? But wait... " "Digital signals have MORE to gain from vacuum tub... 
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
Having a good "stereo setup" is no longer a goal for the majority. Few people these days I talk with, and none of the younger generation, have the goal of creating a high-end stereo system. Most don't even care about decent surround sound for movi... 
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
Glad we all mostly agree on the ridiculous nature of the terms, and the overall view of what moves us from the mid level to the higher end. The way I figure it, if a set of speakers is delivering the full range of audio (not always 20-20k from mai... 
Schiit Audio feedback
Great to hear they have awesome customer service! I have three pieces of Schiit and so far no issues, but good to hear that they really stand behind their Schiit.   
So many YouTube clips to evaluate sound quality. Why???
Another example is the people in camera groups posting photos on Facebook and talking about the "sharpness" of a lens when Facebook so horribly reduces/destroys the quality and detail of photos to reduce file size, so no way to really evaluate in ... 
Build a Faraday cage around your equipment.
Most pieces of electronic equipment that has a metal outer case or cabinet already has the principles and all the protection of a Faraday cage. There is no problem to solve here. There is nothing in your home that will be affecting that gear that ... 
Probably a dumb question
Not only are you looking for uncommon brands, assume the production on such may be very limited and the owners may keep the units for a very long time or never sell.   
Broken banana plug and stuck in amplifier
I have had the same happen and have used drill bits, easy-out screw extractors, and plain old screws. All work when used with care and having a pair of small needle nose pliers is always good.    
How rare is an audiophile
Audiophiles of any type are very rare these days. I'm 56 but when I was a young adult, almost everyone that I knew wanted to have a good stereo and collected music. As we moved along our journey some of these people stayed in the same lane, some c... 
The difference between Qoboz stream vs purchased songs
I'm not on a fixed income (yet) but I'm frugal, and stream Hi-Res music most of the time. The important detail is that most of the services offer different levels of quality and with actual Hi-Res audio (CD quality or better roughly) you have no n... 
Center Channel Dialogue
As others have said, something is wrong here whether it be a setting in the processor, defect in the processor, defect in the speaker itself, speaker connection, speaker setting for how the center content is handled, etc. The center channel carrie...