

Responses from dean_palmer

DAC's from the past, are any of them really worth much today?
Current lower end DACs almost definitely have eclipsed a lot of the high end offerings from the past decades. The DAC is absolutely the wrong piece of gear to consider using most anything from the past unless one of the really high end and well re... 
5 years at the speed that digital tech has been moving forward is almost an eternity today. ASR reviewed the "DAC-2v2 SE DAC" a few years ago, and while I do not make judgement based on measurements alone, there were some obvious findings that sho... 
New McIntosh amp build quality
Build quality has always improved as the years went along. Anyone saying different is just repeating the same tired bullshit of "it was better in the past" which rarely has any merit, and definitely untrue with McIntosh. "Back in the day it was be... 
Need advice on media player and or dacs
Schiit??? Yes. I have started to build up a small pile of Schiit in the past year or so, and very happy with their products. I've had only good experience, and the only negative is not for them alone, but every damn maker who puts switches on the ... 
mcintosh mc-462
Pros... everything. Cons... none. All of these are high quality, and this isn't 1950 so they will definitely work perfectly together. I have been running a MC-462 for a few years, fed by a number of devices. All amazing.    
Rear speakers duplicating main speaker sound from TV source?
The original question leaves out a lot of info, but NO is the easy answer. We assume you have an AV receiver and multi-channel capability. These multi-channel audio programs send a specific range of sounds to specific channels to simulate you bein... 
Best Buy Says Bye-Bye to DVDs
We still buy and play BluRay discs regularly, and bought a new player not too long ago. Streaming is great and can handle better quality than discs given the service and bandwidth are available to do so, so yes some may feel physical media is dead... 
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
I have a pair of Polk SDA-1C from 1987 that will still impress, and they do so regularly. 10 years means nothing, and even 50 years ago the world already had a solid handle on making excellent full range world-class speakers. It's not a new thing.... 
At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
Cost is only relevant to those who want to discuss prices and costs, trying to impress others. Has nothing to do with being an audiophile. Nothing at all. Past a certain point it's not about music any more, it becomes a quest to impress others and... 
Streamer with variable digital output
What am I missing here? The Node has a volume control for exactly what is being asked, both on the face of the unit and also in the software on phone or tablet.  
I am streaming , how can I play music when provider goes down.
Not enough info here to be able to help. What device is being used for "streaming" that cannot also pull from a local server on the local network to play FLAC??  (or any local music file types). You can play local files from a computer, tablet, ph... 
High Frequency Hearing Loss
I would not think the DAC is the place for adjustment. You should be delivering a pristine raw signal from any device, and then adjust tone with your pre-amp or processor, or an EQ. Many processors/Pre-amp have ways of adjusting tone controls, and... 
Bluesound Node dropping out
Sounds like the network can't supply the files as fast and consistently as the Node needs to buffer them to play. Look at the internet service devices including any network hubs. Do a speed test using your computer to see the state of your network... 
Yamaha M80 Amp
The M80 is a legendary amp. World-class even. Unless it is trashed, it is well worth someone repairing it. Where are you located that you have no electronics repair services? This is not a tough fix for most any repair service if it’s just simply ... 
Gapless playback of FLAC files.
My Panasonic 9000 says it does gapless playback, but also notes that some differences in the files that are supposed to be continuous may cause issues. I have never tried the gapless playback but now have a reason to :-) Using a dedicated device o...