Responses from davt
NEED A RECOMMENDATION FOR NEW CD/SACD PLAYER boy, I am a big fan of esoteric. I have had my UX-3 since 2006. Did have a SACD reading issue a few years ago, Esoteric repaired for free and it has been flawless since. That being said. I did hear a Playback design, forget the model number but it... | |
Attention Verity owners I have been happy with Nordost Frey. I use the series one which can be found cheaper since they updated to the new Frey II's. One thing I will tell you about he parsifal. Positioning is everything. Even a fraction of an inch can change things. I w... | |
Aesthetix Rhea vs. BAT VK P-10 Phono Stage I have heard the Bat vk p-10 se with super pack and it was about the finest phone stage I have ever heard. It had great air, detail clarity, was very easy to listen to, great bass slam. I loved it and wish I had one. It is great. I have also heard... | |
Best Hi-end speakers? That is a pretty competitive price range. All three are floor standing speakers. What might help is knowing what size room you are going to put them in, the type of music you are listening to and what you will be using for electronics. At this pri... | |
Verity vs B&W I know them both very well, my local dealer handled both Verity and B&W. I spent most of my time comparing the 802D and Parsifal Encore, this was the 802D before the most recent version but did have the diamond tweeter. the B&W is very imp... | |
most clear, crisp sound power amps, monoblocks ? I think it is a very clear and direct question, "What is best". I recall a famous quote in answering that question, " TO CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES, SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU AND TO HEAR THE LAMENTATION OF THIER WOMEN". I think that was either Conan the ... | |
Hyperion hps-968 vs Verity Audio Parsifal Encore I absolutely love my Parsifal Encores. I have recently looked at upgrading, auditioning speakers in the 15,000-25,000 range and came away with the feeling that I like my parsifal encores more than what I heard. I have upgraded them to the aluminum... | |
Review: Audio Desk Systems Vinyl Cleaner Tweak Great review. I have an Audio Desk Systeme RCM and love it. I did have a mechanical and the dealer and manufacturer did repairs very quickly, handled all costs except return to the US dealer and were very supportive and quick with communication. I... | |
Audience PowerChord e or se I had my power chord e's upgraded to SE as well as my AU24e RCA interconnects. Well worth the money but I did not test them separately, upgraded all at the same time. Much better fine detail, bass better defined and more present. I really liked th... | |
why dsd Charles1dad, yes, I often think of simpler times. I figure that if I read enough reviews telling me what I am supposed to like I will eventually find the joy of youth. Actually, my current system sound so freaking good right now I will gladly suff... | |
CD Player Recommendations for Dynaudio speakers I have an esoteric UX-3 and briefly had a pair of the original Dynaudio C1's. I enjoyed the pairing. I really like the Esoteric for sound and build quality. I also like that they have a very reliable service center and believe in repairs. When my ... | |
why dsd Oh, I am just chuckling at us all. We are all so worried that we are doing it right we fail to enjoy the experience. There is very little I take offense to at all. I think it's good to laugh at ourselves. "High End Audio" really does not make sens... | |
why dsd Ok Zd542. I will do what you say right away. | |
why dsd If you have the beatles white album on original vinyl you needed at some time the original MFSL vinyl. then the cassette, then the CD. Once we all bought the CD there was nothing else to buy, until we were told that vinyl was better again so we ne... | |
How far from the back wall are your speakers? 58 3/8 inches to middle of midrange driver center to back wall. What is recommended in Verity set up guide based on room ht. 8 ft apart center of tweeter to center of tweeter, 8 3/4 ft from listening chair. Perfect fit. |