
Responses from david12

Recommendations for "pure class a" amp under 1K
May I second the Pass lab Aleph seies. I've heard the 4 and 5 and have the 3. It's as near ideal as I think I can get. I do'nt see that it is base light as many have described it. The base is well controlled so it's not prominent. The Monarchy Aud... 
Will a transformer, 220 to 100v, ruin the sound?
I think it depends on the quality of the transformer, but the advise I got going the other direction was yes, it could. I live in the UK and recently bought a Conrad Johnson Premier 17 pre (from Audiogon of course). I had to convert 230 to 110. A ... 
Power amp to match Conrad Johnson Premier17LS
Thanks for the advise, I'm going to look at the CJ power aqmps as a starting point. 
Cheap class A intergrated power.....
If you're talking separate pre/power, then the Monarchy or of course Pass labs Aleph series are a great choice. I use an Aleph 3 and it will have to be peeled from my grasp on my deathbed. Both are to be found at good prices in the used adverts 
Preamp/ Amp matching
I agree that many respondents seem hung up on balanced connections,but I would also think that it would be better to go for a manufacturer which is all single ended. The main one of course is Conrad Johnson, I use the Premier 17 which is not cheap... 
Cheap class A intergrated power.....
I do'nt know if they come up in the US, but do'nt forget the good old Sugden A21 integrated. It's quite cheap, very reliable and wonderfully musically envolving in the right system. That means reasonably sensitive speakers, but presumably you woul... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Living Voice speakers, I had the Auditorium then upgraded to the Avatars. A plus to these speakers I do'nt see often expressed is their sensitivity. At 94/95db they match low output class A SS amps like my Pass Lab Aleph 3(another unit to keep for... 
Is it worth spending $10k on CD-only player today?
I would agree with some of the respondents, get a moderately priced CD player and get it moded in due course. If you're interested in sound not appearence then this is the better route, the more any unit costs, the more seems to be spent on cosmet... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
May I make an alternate suggestion, I use the Aleph 3 and find it hard to beat as a power amp into my admittedly sensitive Living Voice Avatar speakers. why not keep it and go for a valve pre. I recently changed to a Conrad J Premier17 and could'n... 
Pre amp that match to Pass Alep 5
Hi, I tried to match my Aleph 3 with the X2 and had terrible Hum problems. I and the dealer tried everything to get rid of it, to no avail. I tried the X2 with the Aleph 5 too, briefly, same result. I now use my Aleph 3 with a CJ Premier 17 valve ... 
Personal amp evolution
A UK perspective: 1978 Quad 45/303, lasted 20 years a very good early SS comb 1999. E.C.Audio Finestra (early Tom Evans)/ Quad 606, a clear improvement, particularly the pre. Now used by my son 2003. Finestra/ Pass Labs Aleph 3, I can'nt see mysel... 
New tubes for Conrad Johnson17LS Pre
Thanks for you're thoughtful suggestions guys. The CJ is a mark 1 version, but the tubes have only a few miles on the clock. I will follow the consensus and hang fire on the new tubes. I'm interested in the idea of upgrading to the mark 2, which I... 
Europeans vs. the U.S.A.
Hi a response from a Brit. Firstly it's not true that US gear is'nt reviewed in UK mags. High end US gear is held in awe here. I heard it recently expressed (Hifi+) that the US invented high end, in particular in the context of ARC amps. A real p... 
Matching preamp for Pass Labs Aleph 5
I do'nt use the Aleph 5, but 3, how different can they be?I believe in combining valve pre with SS power amp. I have recently aquired a Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS (off the Audiogon adds of course) and the combination is wonderful, detailed but no... 
The last valve pre amp I'll ever need.
Many thanks guys, a lot to think about. Useful, if conflicting. David