
Responses from david12

Buying used vs. New
Alwats second hand and I have been lucky so far. In fact I have made friends and received good advice from sellers. I even buy 2nd hand cartridges, VERY VERY risky. I used a Koetsu Rosewood Sig I bought on the Gon for 3 years and sold it on E bay,... 
Why do we enjoy listening to music ?
As far as I know, nearly all societies have developed music, as part of their cultural development. 10000 years ago, there were instruments to make what we would recognise, as music. I am not sure how good their HiFi systems were, but they had mus... 
Opinions of people who have OWNED Adagio's
I have used them for about 2 years and am more than pleased. They replaced Living Voice Avatars and have better base, more trasparent, less coloured. I am interested in the opinion about the Cerabase. I have had similar benefit with Symposium svel... 
whats a good older hdcd cd player?
I agree about HDCD, it really is an improvement on CD, probably why it did'nt take off, with the perverse market we have. Another vote for Copland, I used a 266 for years. good price, lovely organic sound, no digital glare. Great on HDCD 
suggest valve amplifier for Living Voice speakers
I used both Pass Labs Aleph 30 and Viva Solista SET. 30 watts and 22 respectively, both wonderful, the Viva better, it should be at the price. The Aleph series has a lot of believers with LV speakers and I thought they were a great match. Be aware... 
211 tube integrated choice
Rush 1 No experience with DIY, but there are some excellent kits around. I live in the UK, so listening will envolve a long trip, hopefully to RMAF. I am chatting with Robert and Steve at Ridge Street 
Showdown: Your Favorite Cart for Classical?
I thought the same as Stringreen, that cartridges at thia price, should be able to do it all and make the coffee, answer the phone. It seems though the higher you go into the high end, the more specialised, the more optimised, for a particular sou... 
The SET amp question.
The only thing I would add is that different tubes have different sounds, over and above how they are applied. To me, 300B's give the classic mid range brilliance, but are less good at freqency extremes. The 845, my favourite, is more neutral and ... 
211 tube integrated choice
Rush1 At the moment I am using Acoustic Zen adagios and even at 89db, the 22watt Solista drives them easily. I have my eyes on the small outfit Ridge Street Audio Sasons, a 2 way standmount made of granite! Their cables are great and the speakers ... 
Audio Research 230/240 volts
I am sure a pre amp will be OK. I got into big trouble with my ViVa Solista, I bought in from the states, to the UK. It was easily changed from 110 to European standard 220volts. After it repeatedly blew capacitors and then output tubes. The Itali... 
HELP Classically ignorant, need vinyl insight
The thing about Wagner is its not nearly as bad as it sounds. Rccc That's Woody Allen, the best comedy is usually in bad taste. My favourite comedy film is "the Producers", by Mel Brooks Who can forget the immortal lyrics " Springtime for Hitler ... 
Must Silverlines Boleros,specifically be biwired?
If you look at the Silverline site, it refers to a 6moons review, by someone who went from Sonata's to Bolero's. He said they were different rather than better. From memory, the Boleros were detailed, but smoother than the Sonatas, which seemed to... 
211 tube integrated choice
No I have'nt heard the NAF, I think it is more expensive than the Solista and the Mastersound, cheaper. All are from Italy, 845 SET's and have a good rep. They all appear at times on the Gon. Be careful imprting and changing voltage. I bought mine... 
HELP Classically ignorant, need vinyl insight
String and melancoly try Strauss Metamorphosen, Albinoni's Adagio, Gorecki. As for music to impale someone with, I don't think we dare tell you. Have you heard Woody Allen's comment about Wagner. He said he loved the music, but every time he heard... 
Vinyl vs. top-notch digital
"Now for some of the downside (as if cost is not enough) of vinyl for me. First of all, I hear very few speak to the issue of optimizing multiple sources within a single system. This is turning out to be a problem for me, I suspect I'll be working...