
Responses from david12

Meeting up at RMAF this year
The only problem for me is the Swine Flu. I am a family Doctor in the UK and we really are in the middle of a real epidemic, you are worse over the pond of course. Fortunately it seems to be mild, but the most foolproof way of catching it, is by f... 
What Printed Magazine do you prefer?
I like HiFi+ too, but contrary to everyone else, am thrilled Roy Gregory is gone. He was always interesting, but sooo pleased with himself. My favourite was a review of some mega speakers. The quote was to the effect, I moved them 5mm and everythi... 
Do all toroidal transformers hum?
I had significant hum problems with my Karan K180 amp. Much to my suprise, changing the power cable made a big difference, not sure why, might be worth a try. 
Pros posing as hobbyists?
I agree with Markphd, I bought a CD player 2 years ago from a dealer, supposedly used on the Gon. In fact it was new and he just wanted to shift stock, at cost. He asked me, under no circumstances, to let on about it. This is all to our advantage,... 
Having just read the BFS review, I do'nt feel it is critical at all. The problem is, reading Stereophile, TAS or HiFi+, everything is perfect, the best thing since sliced bread. This makes the magazines pretty much useless. I think Marty's review ... 
Price is a consideration, but for me, size is more important. The Ulysses is'nt enormous by modern standards, it is still too big to get passed my eagle eyed wife. It is 4 inches taller, I believe than the DA 1.1. I would love to go for the Ulysse... 
Thanks Dodgealum, I've been waiting for the review for a while. I just wish reviewers would'nt prevaricate and just say they like a product or not. Seriously, just one more bit of encouragement to take the plunge when I come to RMAF in October. He... 
SE 845 Triode versus KT88 Triode-Connected?
I too love my 845 SET, as Casouza says, music, not hifi. SET's have that liquid see through character you do'nt seem to get anywhere else. The nearset I found in solid state was my Pass Aleph 3. The other advantage with the 845 is power. You can g... 
Coincident Super Eclipse or Devore Nines?
Mike, unfortunately, I heard the Devore's in a showroom, so no direct comparison to my Zens. I did compare with another speaker of interest to me the Art Emotion Signature. I was shocked how poor the Emotion's sounded in comparison, boxy, congeste... 
Coincident Super Eclipse or Devore Nines?
I just auditioned the 9's yesterday with Border Patrol valve amps. Not an ideal set up in the showroom, but I was most impressed, very detailed, neutral and transparent. I just tried Coincident Victories and my preference was very much, for the De... 
Which of the Audiogon advertised interconnects?
A couple more names come to mind, Ridge Street and Morrow. Anyone any opinions on them. I use Ridge Street power cables and like them a lot. Morrow have 60 day audition and 50% off at the moment, very tempting 
Koetsu vs Dynavector vs Lyra??
As Raul has said, I am not sure you can go wrong with any of theses cartridges. They are all excellent. I used a Rosewood Signature for years and loved it. Tried the Zyx Airy 3 and did'nt really like it that much. Now on a Benz Micro LP and just l... 
Jadis musical value?
Phaelon; I use an integrated Viva, the Solista 22watts and with the right speaker, I do'nt find any problems. I like classical too and it copes with a Mahler symphony in full flow, without difficulty. SET's should'nt limit musical choice, they do ... 
Koetsu Urushi: Blue Sky, Vermillion, Tsugaru
Lewm: Prices, do'nt get me started. I can simply not understand price differentials in imported cartridges in particular. You think Koetsu is expensive in the US. A couple of years ago we paid the same number of £'s as you would in $'s for a Koets... 
Koetsu Urushi: Blue Sky, Vermillion, Tsugaru
I asked a similar question and got a similarly vague reply recently. I doubt that many have heard the different Urushi's. I had a Rosewood Signature that I loved, so do'nt listen to anyone saying you should avoid them, not directed at you Axel. Hi...