

Responses from daveyf

Audio Research Ref 75 SE: Replace 20A IEC inlet with 15A
IME, a 20 amp iec works less well if placed vertically ( like most amps are designed..including the ARC REF 75) than a 15 amp iec if the 15amp iec is placed horizontally from a socket grabbing perspective. Very few amp designers place their iec’s ... 
Connecting monoblock tube amps to single subwoofer.
What we are talking about is two REL T5x’s. They do have a phase adjustment switch and adjustable xover settings. Nonetheless, I think you are agreeing with me that the set up is not easy. I am no fan of digital room correction tools, much prefer ... 
Connecting monoblock tube amps to single subwoofer.
@ps   +1000     @ieales   I guess that depends on how you want a pairing to sound, if you just plop them down anywhere, yeah you are right... no problem. ( Nope). OTOH, IF you want an invisible blend with your mains...then yup! 🤔  
Connecting monoblock tube amps to single subwoofer.
The answer to the question is to add a second REL T5x to the system. This way, each sub can run off the particular mono block. This is REL's advice and it is well given. The addition of a second sub to my system is a nice benefit when it comes to ... 
Mesa Boogie vs Fender
@liongboba You are 100% correct, each amp has its own voice. I can get a nice bluesy sound out of Mesa, and with some work, a nice metal sound out of Fender… BUT..Playing a friends Black Face DR, it is definitely super easy to get the nicest blu... 
What is the best speaker cable for Wilson Sabrina X?
@jc51373 Nordost are fast and accurate, although i don’t think they are inherently bright. If your tweeter is a metal dome of some kind, then yes, the speakers can sound bright with Nordost ( which the older model Wilson’s did indeed). The new si... 
Anyone else still loving Hales Speakers?
I was impressed with my Hales Sig 2's for many years, until I heard a better sounding tweeter...and the rest was history. Paul made some amazing speakers for the time, too bad he went away from the business.  
What is the best speaker cable for Wilson Sabrina X?
@jc51373  I agree with the recommendation to call Dave at Zenwave, he makes superb cables. Why do you think the Nordost cables are too 'accurate' for Wilson Sabrina X's?   
KT120 back to 6550
@runwell  Specs to me do nothing, unless they confirm what i am hearing with my own ears...and even then I give them very minimal credence.   
KT120 back to 6550
@runwell   No, my idea is from actual listening experience with my own amps and in my system, or with friends amps who are using KT120’s. What amps are you referring to?   
KT120 back to 6550
@runwell  "6550 is better for vocal for sure than KT150"--where do you get that from?? "KT150 might be good at both end but not middle"---Huh???        
KT120 back to 6550
@kingpin75s  I have heard the same thing as you on several amps, the 6550 sounded better. However, these amps were originally designed to run on 6550's and then modded to work with KT120's. Of the amps that were originally designed to work with KT... 
Tube amp question
So now we hear that the OP and one other member has had the same problem when running KT120's. The amp went into protection mode. I would think if it does that with KT120's...nothing good can happen when you roll in KT150's.  
Tube amp question
OP, I would ask Mr. Allen to confirm that there will be no damage to his transformers by running the KT150’s...and maybe have him put that in writing. While the amp may supply ’enough’ voltage for the KT150’s to work, as russ69 pointed out above, ... 
Tube amp question
@atmasphere While I agree with you that a tester that cannot properly test a KT150- shows the limits of the tester, ( BTW, yours- nor any Hickok- I am aware of can test these tubes--and your KT88 spec is no good for them) it also points to the fa...