
Responses from dave_72

Fans of Blue Jeans Speaker Cable?
I have the Belden 10 gauge. It's a good solid cable. It sounds pretty good, especially for the money. It's definitely a workmanlike product. Is it the best? Not by a long shot. I prefer Neotech myself. 
Magico S5 Debut David Michael Audio
haha really? 
What is the best amplifier for Tannoy Kensington ?
Well, the speakers are set up for bi wiring/bi amping, are they not? What does it hurt to try? 
Have you heard of EMOTIVA?
A lot of people have drank the Emotiva kool-aid! There are people who make wild claims that this stuff sounds better than the best high end equipment! lol. 
Pass or First Watt
@ Roscoeiii: You have a point there. My point is that the Pass Labs amps are more popular and would move quicker, as well and commanding a better resale value due to demand. I wonder what the blue book says? 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
I would agree with that notion... 
What is the best amplifier for Tannoy Kensington ?
Gwng8: Take your amps to the dealer if you can. I would say they would work ok, but you have to make sure...you might wanna bi-amp...your Pass Labs for the mid-highs, and something like a Bryston or Parasound for the bass. 
Pass or First Watt
Hmmm...the Pass Labs would have better resale value, but the First Watt would have better sound? 
I agree with the above. But anyway, Focal Utopia would be comparable. More expensive though...the bigger Electras might be as well. 
Revel F12's ---- A very happy upgrade for me.
That's cool...the break in process is very rewarding. 
Amplification to B&W 800 Diamond
Can't go wrong with those Symphonic Line amps! 
Best Metal Vinyl Album
Hi Vinylmad814,Correct, and Budgie's recordings are quite good. As good or better than the "big boys" of that era. UK vinyl is the recommended format. 
McIntosh or Bryston amps for Legacy Speakers
I'm with Hasse. And was there a clear winner? 
Why do my rolling stones albums sound bad?
Get the originals or even 2nd and 3rd pressings from the UK and/or Europe. They were mastered all analog and you should be happy with the sound. 
What's Technics SL-1200MK2 worth?
I like Audio Technica carts with the 1200/1210. You either love 'em or hate 'em, however. Some find them too bright, I don't.