Responses from danager
DIY PCs As a recently converted power cable skeptic I have heard the difference a single power cable makes but I struggle spending more for a cable than I did for the system (I'm cheap and buy a lot used).Amazon is your friend and I just purchased 2 10AW... | |
Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used They only cost half what you want to spend and don't match everyone's asthtitics but Caintuck Audio lil 15 would be a great match so for low power amp with 97 db effientcy and open baffle presentation. Lots of reviews on the decware site | |
"Need" Roon, Bluesound Node, or or other streamer? I can’t disagree more. An inexpensive fanless windows I5 PC running Fidelizer, Foobar2000 to a USB MHDt Orchid Dac sounds incredible. Using Remote PC (free in Windows) you can control it from your listening chair using a tablet, phone or laptop. I... | |
Desktop single-driver speakers? Check out the decware.com tiny radials. I haven't heard them but they get rave reviews by those who have | |
What Integrated Amp do You use Decware SE84UFO. Both watts sound absolutely fantastic. | |
Lay Off the Newbies! Dekay I'm a newbie and I didn't find your post to me overly positive. Sure I was asking for it, proposing a silly scenario but the outright personal attacks here and the overall sense of superiority is a turn off. This is a HOBBY about music it... | |
best streamer for Amazon Music HD I’m an Amazon HD subscriber and while it took a while, I finally got it to my stereo and it sounds great.Android phone to Chromecast Audio with tosllink was OK and better than Spotify but not great. BubbleupPNP to DLNA PI was OK but just.My solut... | |
Considerations prior to your next purchase You gave it way. Now nobody has watch it. | |
Considerations prior to your next purchase Wow, I want to thank everyone. It must be my public education or my inability to swim??? or my weak brain that made me think that qualifications don’t matter only experience. I never knew that the worlds best speakers don’t need to go over 15... | |
Looking for a 2-channel high end volume control Optical resistorhttps://tortugaaudio.com/products/diy-preamp-components/electronic-stepped-attenuator-epot-v3-max/ | |
Considerations prior to your next purchase Hey DeKayI prefer Soylent Green. Saw them both in the theater when they were released.Your place or mine? | |
Considerations prior to your next purchase Until my niece or my cat (with training) tells me MOABs are the best I'm not qualified to judge | |
What is the most important component to consider while building a new system? I'm a strong believer in the first watt theory if the first watt doesn't sound good you're just amplifying mistakes but before that, the source has to be as good as it can be. Great speakers will never sound great with a mediocre source.. Even M... | |
klipshorn speakers Thanks Chuck 😀I used the foam pipe insulation from the hardware store to create the seal on mine. My feeling is the bigger the room the better they sound. They seem to need space to open up but man do they ever fill a room. The other great thin... | |
klipshorn speakers I'm running corner horns with 2 watts and Soft Serve by Soul Coughing will punch you in chest and vibrate furniture.You realize premature deafness is a possibility with the sound pressure levels these can produce with very little wattage? |