

Responses from danager

The return of the DIYer
The   Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? When did that happen?  Man I'm behind. 
Why does bass have more “punch” when I stand up vs. sitting?
I experienced the exact same anomaly but in my in my room it was drastic.  Sitting the bass would just go away.  To fix it I just moved to a new house not because of the bass but it didn't hurt that my new location sounds better.  
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
@yugebohner   I bet they sound spectacular... to you 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
@yugebohner This is a quote from in my opinion one of the premier amp builders producing today Steve Deckert of Decware. My takeaway tonight is that the cables are probably and literally as important as the amplifier both of which are 10x more im... 
Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.
Everyone should buy a USB turntable and have the worst of both worlds.My inlaws are into vinyl for the nostalgia.  I don't get it. 
Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers
VAN ALSTINE   DVA M225 MONOBLOCK SOLID STATE AMPLIFIER The DVA M225 is a compact and powerful solid state amplifier. It is rated at 225 watts into 8 ohms, and over 300 watts into 4 ohms.  Single Ended Transistor voltage amplifier design. ... 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
ABBA is back.!My favorite quote from the article:" "Bringing the ladies in, we didn't really know what to expect," said Andersson. "Because I mean, they're not 30 anymore, they're 70-plus. They came in and they started to sing, it was like bang! ... 
What song have you played the most?
I tend to get stuck in a loop.  I'll do fine for a while and then some song will take me somewhere and I will listen to it until I burn it out.  My current obsession is Maria Bethânia - Dindi.  I don't understand a word but the emotional attachmen... 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
I’m not that old. Beatles fan all the way but did listen to the only rock AM station we could get.  My parents listened to KFI for all the non rock and the Dodgers and watched both tv channels. Gary and Pacemakers, and Herman’s Hermits for me....W... 
Picking an Open Baffle speaker for 2w SET amp - plus bonus question !?!
@bache because of the sound. It’s only two watts but what a spectacular two watts. It’s also really fun to shape the sound with tube rolling. This isn’t a 300b amp that you have to choose between quality tubes or a new car. I was able to update th... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
I was able to hear the Jeff Smith’s cables and discuss what I was hearing with Jeff. I don’t have the knowledge to either confirm or deny his explanation but his description of echo affect was a very feasible explanation of what I was hearing. His... 
HiFi vs MidFi
@csmgolf  I hear ya.  but clueless is as clueless does 
HiFi vs MidFi
Well ya know it’s not really your ideas that causes everyone anguish. It’s the amount of times you feel you need to put forth those ideas and the complete lack of understanding about what you feel your ideas are worth.Consider the forum a conversa... 
Tang Band 2145 in action
Here are some tidbits of the article linked below: Full-Range Drivers are ubiquitous We all listen to full-range drivers everyday.  The smallest are in earphones, cellphones and other devices. Their "one-driver is best" mantra can actually be a... 
Problem duplicating my external HD onto another one
Can you skip the file and continue?  If so make note of the file and its location and then move it manually after mirroring the drives.