

Responses from danager

Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....
tsushima1 Merely a couple of folk, of no consequence or experience, that hold a markedly different perspective of ARC products, your scribblings are beginning to appear somewhat 'Agenda ' driven. Quote from 2015. Same Axe just doesn't get old... 
Flagship product to build around
@dekay  Currently running the entry level Decware  2 watt integrated amp with tubes from the 50's and 60's into Speaker Lab corner horn (khorn clones) using a MHDT Orchid DAC with the 6922 adapter.  It gets loud enough when using a single sub but... 
Tax Returns: Nothing, a new DAC or... ?
Pay off the credit card then apply for one of the zero interest credit cards for 12 to 18 months. Then buy the DAC of your dreams and you have a year to pay what you purchased it for. If you can’t pay it off in a year apply for another zero intere... 
Help with choosing sub-woofers please
Rather than a wireless sub and dealing with the network delays and active bass trap would effectively kill the reflection node  https://www.totmusicstudio.net/products/psi-audio-5    
Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...
@trknomo and you’ve actually heard all the models of these speakers and feel qualified to disparage an American manufacture because people who actually own them and like t0 talk about their qualities. As yours doesn’t stink, enlighten me on a s... 
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
Got it.  I think it's just a grammar issue which could be a USA grammar issue??? psycho-acoustic"s" would be study of how we perceive sound psycho-acoustic would be used to describe one of the qualities of perceived sound.  I was trying to make... 
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
@mahgister  Yes I'm being a PTA but it's been bugging me so here goes. What is your definition of acoustic? If you are using it as a noun there's an "s" on the end. ADJECTIVE relating to sound or the sense of hearing. "dogs have a much g... 
Help with choosing sub-woofers please
@phantom_av I'm not sure that's true. While  2 is better then 1, 4 is better than 2 is true 3 is almost as good 4 properly placed and EQd beyond that its just spending  money that could have been spent elsewhere for to actually improve the sou... 
Help with choosing sub-woofers please
@clearthinker you are correct regarding passive bass dampening it's not a practical  strategy.   Nelson Pass made an active dampener that would listen and then apply a 180 degree phased mirrored sound to compensate much like noise cancelling headp... 
Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions
Apologize if this is redundant but the threads here all seem to recommend horn speakers for tube amps. HMMMM maybe there's a reason? Since no price range was mentioned: Arion Apollo 105db efficient AMT line array but are 4 ohm.   
Help with choosing sub-woofers please
@clearthinker Yes this video was more like the ones we record at our DIY meets but I believe he was talking about constrained layer dampening for bass which according to his comments later in the video do provide bass dampening. This video was ... 
Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...
@tsushima1 maybe it was more the intent of the post rather than the post itself??? Can you please edit your repost and remove my name?  I get an email notification every time my name gets posted and as fun as its been I don't want to be associate... 
Please settle a bet!
@oldaudiophile I'll try but then again it may not be possible. I have not heard the combination of equipment, in the location or music choice or  what appears to "sounds best" to whom prior to this bet.  Criteria of at what volume level, what's t... 
Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...
Now that MC is gone?  
Please settle a bet!
Focal Aria 936 They have to sound better they're more expensive