

Responses from czbbcl

PC differences
I agree with audphile1 the biggest improvement I found was with my CD player which is Sony SCD-1 with a PS Audio Statement Extreme.The improvements were a lowered noise floor and a much blacker background. I have the same power cord on my amp and ... 
Audiogon "SACD's TO DIE FOR" list
David_berryI agree I love that SACD very captivating. The Josha Heifeitz(spelling?) is also very good as is the New World Symphony.Chuck 
PS Audio Prelude power cord.
Audphile1The biggest impact I achieved with (reasonably priced)power cords was by upgrading the power cord on my CD player(Sony SCD-1). Much blacker background (lowered noise floor) and better instrumental definition in the music across all audio ... 
Which SACD of Jazz at the Pawnshop sounds better?
I can not speak to this disc directly but I have a few FIM discs and all are very good recordings. I have no experience with Proprius so I can not speak to the quality of their recordings. Lame or not if you like it thats all that matters.Good Luc... 
Other Hobbies?
Wine, Playing Piano (Classical), Motorcycles.Chuck 
PS Audio Prelude power cord.
Audphile 1How long did you let the cord burn in? Sometimes these things take awhile. I have no experience with the PS Audio prelude but I do have their statement extremes on my cd player and power amp as well as my UPC200 with good results. Howeve... 
Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?
RaytheprinterYes, I agree with you the MF2500A is a superb amplifier and IMO highly underrated.Chuck 
Do you remember your first cd?
Hey RosstamanIn the Digital Mood I still have that cd what a great cd. I still listen to it from time to time. My dad also loved that cd as he was a fan of the big band era. He served in WWII God rest his soul.Chuck 
CJ 16mk1, 16mk2, 17mk1 and 17mk2 difference?
Boy what an involved question. I will give you my opinion after having owned a 17lsI and having upgraded to the 16lsII of which I still own. The 16lsII as compared to the 17lsI is much more detatiled everywhere in the audio spectrum; it was a sign... 
Do you remember your first cd?
My first cd purchase was Bob James Grand Piano and yes it still sounds good today.Chuck 
Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?
Conrad Johnson Premier 350 best of both worlds without a doubt. The mid range is very detailed similar to the premier 140 but with better bass control and high end extension.Chuck 
Always On?
Search the archives as this subject has been covered many times in the past. However,I would turn it off when not listening for extended periods say overnight. You will lower your tube life substantially by leaving it on all the time.Chuck 
Which Solid State Amplifier is Making you Happy?
Conrad Johnson Premier 350 I also liked my MF2500A. 
leave solid state power amps on?
My suggestion is to turn power amps off when not in use for long periods of time say overnight this includes tubed pre-amps. Solid State Pre-amps and CD players are ok to leave on 24/7. You should ask the manufacturer of your power amp what they s... 
Conrad Johnson PV-10L & PV-10A which one better?
The CJ PV-10A is discontinued and the PV-10B took its place. I don not know the specific differences other than I believe it utilizes a different tube and contains some circuit upgrades. The "L" designation specifies "Line Stage" and does not cont...