

Responses from czbbcl

Questions about SACD vs.analog for classical music
I am with Lazarus28 the capability of top notch or highly modded digital player on both redbook and sacd is simply amazing. Vinyl (IMO) simply can not touch the resolution and dynamics of digital let alone the blackness of the background and with ... 
Power Cord for PS Audio UPC 200?
I second Larry's opinion.Chuck 
20 amp dedicated lines
I installed a couple of 20A dedicated lines and did not hear a significant improvement; maybe a blacker background. Having said that I would definetly suggest you install them but I don't think you will get the results your looking for. As others ... 
Cheap SACD Player?
I second the Sony recomendation but I would opt for a used XA777 or SCD777 if your budget allows. However I do not agree with the comment that SACD is overrated. I enjoy SACD and the benefits it provides and while there are variations from recordi... 
sa 777aes as a transport
I would have the superclock 3 and superclock power supply installed in your Sony and forget the DAC. You will realize much improved performance on both redbook and SACD. Chuck 
Leave tube amp on all day?
mapleleafs3Better to be safe than sorry. But then again that is just my opinion.Chuck 
Leave tube amp on all day?
As Larryi suggests I would consult with cary and get their recommendation. However, I for one would not leave a tube amp on all day even if it wasn't unattended. If you are listening for short periods of time in the morning and then again in the e... 
Powercords for CJ CT-5
I use a PS Audio xtreme statement on my premier 16 series II and it works fine for me. I agree with Oldfogey concerning the need or benefit of upgraded cords on cj equpment as I didn't hear a substantial if any improvement by upgrading to the PS a... 
NAD S200 vs. McCormack DNA125
The McCormack.Chuck 
Loocking for 6922 tubes for my Audio Research LS7
I like the EH 6922 gold pins in my CJ premier 16. I have tried Teslas and philips NOS and prefer the EH over both, the EH are more dynamic and detailed. Chuck 
Always ON?
My last solid state equipment lasted 20 years before I grew tired of it and needed to upgrade. I turned it off after every listening session and it never failed once because of thermal cycling.Chuck 
Always ON?
I turn everything off for some of the reasons Nsgarch states plus my system warms up in about 30 minutes to the point where I can no longer hear a difference.Chuck 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
I would consider any of the following Thiel 7.2's (first choice), Avalon Eidolon Diamonds, Sonus Faber Stradivarias. Before purchasing any of the above mentioned speakers I would want to bring a pair of Wilson Audio Watt Puupies or Maxxes home for... 
How to upgrade a nondetachable power cord?
I would contact CJ about them installing an IEC as they will give you better advice than anyone else can. Otherwise I am with downunder don't mess with it.Chuck 
AlanbrainIf you like the cj sound then I would suggest you stay with cj. At your price point and assuming you wish to stay with tubes I would suggest a used premier 11a or maybe an MV-60.Chuck