

Responses from czbbcl

Pass x250.8 vs Hegel h4se vs Ayre VX-R
I would also recommend Pass. I have a pair of xa100.5's and they are truly excellent sounding amplifiers and a great company.Chuck  
Looking for amp advice (punk, rock & reggae edition)
I have on the Cary and it does a nice job but not the Cayin but it is a Stereophile recommended component and fits your budget. Both units are tubed so you would have to deal with the heat and maintenance associated with them. http://www.elusivedi... 
Looking for amp advice (punk, rock & reggae edition)
Within your budget you might want to try a used Cary SLI-80 or if you prefer new Cayin might be a good option. Elusive disc is very good to work with and they sell Cayin.Chuck 
Ideas on amp for Thiel
I would recommend Pass either the X series or XA series your chaoice based on budget. I wouldn't go any smaller than the X250.x or the xa100,xChuck  
First Tube Amp
If you wanted to stick to an integrated you could try a Cary SLI-80 or 300SEi both are excellent.  With either amp you can tube roll if you like.CHuck  
McIntosh MA5200 hum
As a diagnostic tool only I would try a cheater plug on the amp to see if the hum disappears. If it does then it sounds like you have a ground fault issue and perhaps running a dedicated circuit to your system may help.Chuck   
speaker cable prices
Try these I use his interconnects and they are excellent....Chuckhttps://www.dysonaudio.com/ 
Best amp/ IC's to go with my Thiel 2.4SB's
For interconnects I would try these they are very good irrespective of price. No affiliation just a satisfied costumer.https://www.dysonaudio.com/As for an integrated I would go with Pass but they are fairly pricey. The Thiels like a lot of curren... 
need your help on this one.....
The XA mono-blocs being Class A topology do get rather warm. I will not say hot as I have had tube amps in the past and those do kick out a lot of heat. I do not leave them on 24/7 instead turn them off when I retire for the evening. When I first ... 
need your help on this one.....
I would go with the Pass 350.8 great products and company. No experience with Plinius although I have heard they are a very good company. And as someone mentioned above Pass will more likely hold its value better and be easier to flip if you decid... 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
I have had both and I am now using Pass Labs XA mono-blocs and I am very pleased with the results. Tubes are fun to play (rolling) with but can require much more maintenance and I can't say they are sonically superior to my Pass XA Mon-Blocs. Pass... 
Speaker cables for Focal Electra 1008be and Hegel combination. Supra Ply 3.4/S?
I listen primarily to large symphonic works as well as chamber music and solo piano some female jaz vocals. The metal music I have and listen to on rare occasions is Slipknot, Korn, Skillet and My Chemical Romance also enjoy Nirvna. The only short... 
Speaker cables for Focal Electra 1008be and Hegel combination. Supra Ply 3.4/S?
Yes the Focals can sound bright or etched depending on the amplification being used and is why I recommended using a Pass ss class A amp with them. I currently drive a pair of 1008Be's with Pass xa100.5 mono-blocs and a Pass xp20 pre. This was an ... 
Speaker cables for Focal Electra 1008be and Hegel combination. Supra Ply 3.4/S?
For cabeling I would try these very reasonably priced.https://www.dysonaudio.com/collections/audiophile-speaker-cablesAs for amplification I would jump on this from experience those Focals sound magnificent when driven with Pass class A power. No ... 
Damaged speaker rubber on Focal Electra 1008 Be. Return or Keep?
I wouldn't worry about the foam surround it doesn't look like it is torn in anyway. I have the same speakers they are fantastic when driven with the proper electronics and can be a bit harsh when they are not. Chuck