
Responses from cyclonicman

Why power cable effect overall syste sound?
Thank you Samuel!! 
Best Song Intro
"I Will Possess Your Heart" by Death Cab For Cutie. 
Dynamic Headroom
Grimace,Before the post turned into a congressional assembly, I think Al's initial post is a legitimate answer. 
"Seeing" a Musical Performance
Why would you think that there is something deeper going on, it's the way people bend the English language and still manfge to understand each other. How many times have you heard a conversation like this:I said I didn't like the concert and then ... 
vibration controll
My power amp is on the last shelf of my rack and is seated on a 2 inch thick maple platform. 
Reissue recordings with added tracks
I like the bonus tracks, especially when they are live versions. Obviously they are added to many remastered/remixed cd's to get current owners to buy the new cd. What's the big deal, there isn't any rule that says they must be played. We all know... 
Do you have tin ears?
Anyone that truly has "tin ears" might want to consider another hobby, maybe video! 
Name your lame duck artist........
And I thought Simon was bad!! 
Taylor Swift
Well, She did win album of the year!! 
Do you cover your towers?
I guess it would make some sense if you were away, but when at home, If I were you, I would consider getting grills as protection for your speaker drivers and for aesthetic reasons also. Having blankets draped over my speakers would make for a les... 
"Tell the industry what you want" postingboard
Voice alerts within tubed components that tells you which tube is bad and needs replacement. :>) 
Your First Vinyl Album.
It was "Meet the Beatles" (in Mono) and I was 9 years old!I played that album on the family's webcor stereo until the grooves were worn out. 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
There is no other reason but the music. 
How are Mullards supposed to sound?
Before buying tubes from Kevin, he asked me what equipment I was using, not where I bought it. With that information, he told me which tubes would be best for my gear and I followed his advice. Since I didn't buy my equipment from Kevin, I didn't ... 
connecting two speaker cables together
It's worth a try, maybe you can solder them together, but my guess is that the new 12 footer is going to have a different sound than the 8 footer, but you never know!!