
Responses from cyclonicman

Good, Affordable Horns?
I owned a pair of Klipsch Forte II for over 15 years. When I knocked on the cabinet, it appropriately sounded like someone knocking on wood, there was no ringing sound. Kilpsch is a fine speaker. 
Removing light scratch from brushed aluminium ?
Leave it! I tried the fine steel wool route and it left an ugly shine behind which stood out even more than the scratch! 
Integrated Tube Amplifier for First Timer?
Rogue Cronus is a great choice! Excellent quality and the customer service is superb!! 
Dr. Ebbetts Beatles CD's
Albert,Great web-site!!! 
Dr. Ebbetts Beatles CD's
My understanding is the Dr Ebbetts versions are mastered from the vinyl albums of the Beatles on Mobile Fidelity. I am starting to question that theory though because Mobile Fidelity produced the British parlophone versions of the Beatles catalogu... 
Second failure of new amplifier
I think your dealer is full of it. I have never heard rolling tubes can void a warranty and if this particular amp will not allow for tube rolling than it should be noted in the warranty or this unscrupulous dealer should have stated it to you. Us... 
Audio Research amp's retubing experiences
I just purchased 12 of the reissued Tungsol 6550's for my CJ power amp and they sound very good top to bottom with a good sound stage. They replaced SED winged C 6550's, which replaced ElectroHarmonix 6550's. All of these brands produce quality so... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Have not auditioned this preamp, but based on your love of the 300B, it may be worth your while to look into the Manley Labs 300B preamplifier, which incorporates the use of two 300B tubes in their design. 
Your ears and mood..
Besides the pleasure I get from listening to music, I find that it is also therapeutic and almost always comforts me after a rough day! In addition, I think that a person's mood can color most sensual perceptions. 
audio research sells out good or bad ?
Who knows if they will still be producing the same quality components? From what I have read, William Z. Johnson was not sitting in an armchair directing the company. He was still designing many of those great reference pieces. 
CD Dead??
It seems to me that the audio industry is still churning out some excellent CD players, so apparently they do not believe that the CD is dead unless they are counting on new equipment purchases by owners of large CD collections. I have also read t... 
The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?
For me it was probably "Neon Bible" by Arcade Fire. Wilco's "Sky Blue Sky" was a close second. 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
You may want to consider that many of these tubes have different load and gain levels and are not always interchangeable, even though they may look the same. If your preamp wiring cannot handle a load increase, you may incur some damage. For examp... 
Hum in ARC Ref 3 not on 0 but 1-103 light buzz
Tubes can be imperfect beasts no matter the duration of use on them. It sounds like a bad tube, which will get worse. I would also like to add that I had nordost SPM interconnects running from my power amp to my subwoofer and I was hearing a treme... 
How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?
Hi,Seems like there are a quite a few non-lovers of cats out there! There is a spray called bitter apple which can be purchased in any pet store. When sprayed on a surface or area, both cats and dogs will avoid the area as they find the smell offe...