
Responses from cycles2

Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
@rvpianoAre you serious about what will artists do if CDs go away? Digital recording and streaming have opened the door for hundreds of artists that can't afford the cost and bureaucracy of getting their songs onto CD or vinyl. Many artists are di... 
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
Would speaker cables that use separate jackets for the + and - speaker have zero (no) capacitance?  
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables
@littlecx  I agree that the Graphene Matrix (GM) XLR IC's are amazing.  The build quality and XLR ends Bob uses are world class. Better highs and larger sound stage.  Convinced me so I ordered the GM speaker cables. 
ROON help needed
@grannyring I never noticed a Tidal SQ improvement using Roon (DSP disabled) vs. the native iOS app from dCS or Lumin, Has anyone done a credible review of the SQ of Tidal on Roon vs. one of the many Tidal integrated network streamers (eg. dCS, L... 
More Bad News AT Thiel
Despite all the marketing spin manufacturers claim, the 2 channel audio market hasn't been healthy for many years. It's like musical chairs in which a manufacturer gets left out each time the music stops. Thiel is the latest victim to not have a s... 
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables
@Lancelock or Ozzy,Since the cost of upgrading a full loom of Cerious GE cables to the new Cerious Matrix cables isn't trivial, can you suggest which Matrix cables (speaker, interconnect, power) made the largest SQ improvement.  For those of us wi... 
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
@inna I agree with your suggesting the JM Labs Utopias. Hard to beat a speaker in this league in the $10K neighborhood. However the pair you referenced don't have the wooden crates. It's a risky move for a buyer unless he's certain he'll never wan... 
Looking for a reasonably priced good quality interconnect
+2 on the Cerious Graphene Extreme cables. 
Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?
@willemj, I mainly listen to digital, but I must admit there's something pretty special about listening to a clean well recorded vinyl album. I have yet to find any digital versions of Genesis' Lamb Lies Down on Broadway or The Who's Quadrophenia ... 
Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?
I still don't understand questions like 'is streaming services (namely Tidal) worthy for audiophiles'. Here's what I don't get. Streaming services like Tidal HiFi offer the same Redbook CD sample rate (44.1kHz, 16-bit) as the CDs you spin. If you ... 
ARE DCS Dacs worth the high cost?
@davneinla, I know you can play MQA tracks on the Rossini but my understanding is that they won't fully unfold until dCS provides the MQA firmware. Does MQA firmware exist for the Rossini?  
Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.
@fsmithjack,perhaps the bright sound you're describing is the result of your Pass Labs X350.5 amp operating in Class B mode.  Pass states that the X350.5 transitions to Class B at 40 watts, but I'm suspect of this as the newer X350.8 transitions t... 
Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?
I have yet to find a Redbook track on Tidal that's not as good or better sounding than the CD version I play locally on a high-end Ayre CD player.  Then there's MQA on Tidal which generally sounds better than their Redbook versions.  Not to mentio... 
what speakers to buy
@gdhal, the Focal Utopia family has lots of models. An A'gon member suggested a pair of Utopia Alto Be's that are on A'gon with an asking price within the OP's budget.  
Streaming vs traditional
@willemj and all other MQA non-believers.I suggest you get a high quality streamer/server/DAC like the Lumin S1 and tell me you don't think MQA songs don't sound better than their Redbook versions.  Please don't use a Bluesound 2 as your basis of ...