

Discussions curiousjim has started

What are songs where people or instruments sound closer to you?256743
Has anyone compared Lumin the U1 Mini to the U2 Mini?866218
Songs that can be streamed at higher Res11727
Quick USB question 180513
Definitely a good listen363718
Are Black Ravioli products sold in the US?178322
How to keep albums playing at the same volume 80910
First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s 983792
Acoustic question 9358
How can I tell if I am overdriving the amp or the speakers?168428
Why are there so few BNC cables to choose from 232618
Has anyone tried Napster?16067
I’m looking for an Digital XLR cable 390216
So I just bought a Hegel H390 and31169105
Parasound Preamp1138330