
Responses from csontos

Mc Intosh vs other brands
I guess it all depends on how you look at it, Wolf. Imo, the 70's were the heyday. Lots of hi end shops, buzz and excitement. HI-FI going mainstream with the majority of the baby boomers coming of age. I have a pair of Meridian 105 monos that woul... 
Jagger gets a real job, finally.
I do, Tom. Well done! 
Jagger gets a real job, finally.
Ambition doesn't require the promise of fabulous wealth. Everyone strives to make it up the ladder. My point is true artistry is always a labor of love. So if it weren't for the industry itself, artists wouldn't be any less inclined to practice th... 
Jagger gets a real job, finally.
Jagger gets a real job, finally.
Abucktwoeighty...playing down Kieth's (observation?) suggestion to why Bianca divorced him, ie: his tiny todger.Tom, can you please delete your response. I was hoping for a little more fun:) 
Jagger gets a real job, finally.
First of all, lets make a distinction between musicians and artists. Just because I can play an instrument well doesn't mean I'm an artist. Just because I can skillfully copy someone else's painting doesn't mean I'm an artist. Yes, there are excep... 
What is the best....?
There is only one answer to this question and I think you all know it...success. 
Changing the listener's ear position
I'd love to be a fly on your wall...pass the peyote! 
Mc Intosh vs other brands
Paul, The McIntosh lost out a long time ago. The golden age happened in the 70's. Some of the best amps in existence were built then. Just about Everything on the market today is a result of the design breakthroughs that occurred back then. 
Changing the listener's ear position
The only one on to something here is Geoff. Do you guys think the millions spent on research and development by the people designing your gear were wearing goofy apparatus on their ears to achieve the specs and performance of their product? Especi... 
My amp has no faults
Thank you, Ralph. I did read that paper when it was recently referred to on another thread and just read it again. I'll probably read it a couple more times yet. Seems like it could be a game changer. Possibly in a mix. I like the bottom end to cu... 
What Amp with KEF 105.2?
If I were to buy a pair of Kef 105s, I'd find a pair of the first series. They were far better built, weigh twice as much and got better reviews. The isolastic driver mounts are what specd the series 2s a bit better but at the expense of a large d... 
Slow speaker cables?
Al, I was referring to your suggestion of a "downside by increasing induction" and it's possible result to the amp but that is now moot. Wiring I'm dealing with is the stock 12 and 14awg wire that virtually all the amps I have were built with. It'... 
Slow speaker cables?
Al, does the fact that I'm hearing an improvement rather than just verifying one on instrumentation outweigh any negative impact on the amp? Doesn't the fact that we're dealing with wire no more than 6" long render inductance a non-issue? I'm gues... 
My amp has no faults
I will be using the Acoustats to start with but I for one like merry-go-rounds.