
Responses from consttraveler

Universal Remote suggestions
I have yet to find a function that my Philips Pronto Pro can not learn (with the exception of flipping the LP's and putting a CD in the transport:~).From my chair I operate both my HT gear (including Digital Cable Box, TV, Receiver, etc.) and my t... 
Need Headphone amp under $300?
Watch for a Headroom Cosmic in the used market. Drop by their website for the spec's. 
In need of assistance: integrated amp selection
LFD Mistral (and the SE version) can be found used, and is a great sounding integrated. It does not have a remote control however. 
Amp Suggestion for Talon "Khite" Monitors
Twopippis:Thank you for the suggestion, I'll take a look at them. 
Suggestions for Balanced DAC Upgrade?
See if you can find a used Chord DAC 64. New they run about $3,000 and you might be able to find a used one for the upper end of your budget.I run mine balanced through a Levinson 380S. Very refined, very revealing, and no "hash."Good luck, Dave 
speaker to stand coupling
Currently, I use three "Audio Point" spikes (+/- 1/4" tall) between each monitor and its' stand. I find the music more clear, and a bit of added bass, compared to the stick-on half-round black rubber bumpers and other absorbtive devices I have tried. 
hardwood floors and spikes
"Audio Points" makes a tiny litle brass footer for spikes to fit into. I use them under my Audio Point Cones, between stacked components. They are available on-line, from Music Direct or Sistrum (the manufacturer). 
Comments on Antenna Perf Specialties FM Antenna
I forgot to tell you about the cable run. The usual way is to drop the cable between the wall studs, to where you have cut a hole for mounting the connector plate (same plate as cable TV hook-up). Newer construction has fire breaks staggered horiz... 
Comments on Antenna Perf Specialties FM Antenna
First, take a good look around your attic, locating wireing runs and any electrical devices (many newer homes have the heat & AC located in the attic). If the area is clear, the attic is a very good place to put an antenna because you will avo... 
What do You listen to?
Audiophanatic:I can't recommend a CD, since I mostly listen to "classical" music on vinyl. Most of the CD's I have are newer music not available in the best format (the best format comment is, of course, IMHO), or music I take with me when traveli... 
Cart sensitivity Vs step-up before phono stage
My experience leads me to agree with TWL. I run two cart's, one is 0.25, the other is 0.5. To get the Dynavector 17D (0.25) to a comfortable listening level, I use a step-up transformer, the other requires no help. 
What do You listen to?
Audiophanatik:Someone much smarter than I, once said, "There are only two kinds of music, good & bad." The really cool part is, you and I both get to choose.Form your responses I can tell that you did not spend all of your youth playing ninten... 
"AT Audiogon" "ON Audiogon" Help
ON: as in "log-on". 
What's your profession? Age?
I work as an engineer (no degree, studied Poly Sci & Journalism). Full replacement cost $50K, new. 
Solution for VPI record cleaning machine.
I make-up my own, using a formula similar to SDcampbell's (above).Distilled water and isopropyl alcohol (85% and 15% respectively), with about a teaspoon of "PhotoFlo" surfacant. This cleaner, with a double rinse of distilled water, works as good ...