
Responses from clueless

Who are the Jazz Cats on Audiogon?
Hi Crazy4Blues.I listen to a lot of Jazz but probably can't call it my "first music." Ironically, one reason is that I listen to a lot of blues too and obviously so do you! Maybe you need a new moniker! Ditto re Scott. I have a jazz file of stuff ... 
811 vs 300B SET amps. Sound differences?
Hi EldragonThere area ton of 300b circuits around if you go from scratch. You have probably already seen them but below is a handy collection in one place. Have you made one before? I would suggest doing it on breadboard instead of a chassis at fi... 
811 vs 300B SET amps. Sound differences?
In case you haven't seen Derek Walton’s JE Labs 300b project. A really excellent presentation of Joseph Esmilla’s (JELabs) SE 300b. Worth the look Edition:'t the 8... 
How many AudiogoNers are amateur chefs?
Tom, do you do all your cooking in one of those 23cm full-range pots? SincerelyI remain 
How many AudiogoNers are amateur chefs?
Hi SlipknotI do!So do several of my friends. We all enjoy cooking. I'm just tidying things up waiting for a few folks to show up. We all bring a dish/appetizer and wine or whatever. It's a meal and a friendly contest of sorts. I've gone to a coupl... 
Is there an advantage to more tubes in an amp?
Hey thanks for the kind words folks. I learn more here than anything else and a lot from the folks in this thread.above by Mark >> "The only thing I don't dig is how 300b or any pre-historic-triode SE amp can play MUSIC? To me it's the same ... 
Is there an advantage to more tubes in an amp?
said above >> I'm not really familiar with tube amp design, so I really don't have an understanding of how the number of tubes affect the sound of an amp. There are lots of things that add to the sound and I’m not sure the “number of tubes” ... 
NYAL booklet- Any value
WOW!Thanks Sherod. The level of generosity is so high normally I'd be too embarrassed to take it and beg off but I'm so curious about what the Giz has to say in his long out of print offering that I simply can't refuse. When are you putting the or... 
Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???
I forgot to include the horn subwooferSincerelyI remain, 
NYAL booklet- Any value
Nice Eulogy Detlof.Well, for the record, the E-bay books by Harvey went for just over $150.I remain, 
Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???
DYI diffuser kits/plans
I second the recommendation on the Everest book above for a very readable general intro. to room acoustics. Don't let the "Master" part get in your way. It is really nicely written. CheersI remain 
Best SET Compatible Speakers, $4k-6k used
Hi LjgjDon't mean to be disagreeable butBe careful with less than 10 watts (much less 45s) with Legacy and VMPS IMHO.Both multidriver likely less than or around 4ohms nominal and sensitivty can't be over 95 tops.I remain, 
NYAL booklet- Any value
Hi Sherod:said above by Sean >>Someone somewhere is always willing to pay good money for someone else's junk.I just bid it up to $51.hehe The norm is for bids to go up quite a bit the last few minutes.I remain, 
NYAL booklet- Any value
I'm sure it would be. I did a short search on Google and found zip re value.Harvey was a legend.Lots of stuff like this goes on Ebay all the time.I have no idea what a market value price is.How much do you want for it?Email me with a price and/or ...