
Responses from cleeds

What would be a good turntable/tonearm/cartridge
There's really no such thing as a turntable that's easy to set up and maintain. A turntable requires very careful setup, and maintenance with LPs is never-ending. 
The Hifi Trajectory Of Class D Amplifiers
11-23-15: Phd"Not only has Class D amps arrived but ... there is a technology that threatens your existance ..."No, the rise of Class D amps doesn't threaten my existence at all - not even by a teeny bit. 
ARC REF10 fuse upgrade
I think it is unwise to replace any fuse with anything other than one with the original value. 
Adcom - To modify or not?
+1 for Bryston 
Audioqest Wild Wood or Tara Lab Omega Gold?
"11-11-15: Zephyr24069" ... When someone lists something of the form 6+ AWG, it is probably meant to imply the wire is more than 6 gauge (and probably less than 7 gauge depending upon written context). A wire of 6+ AWG doesn't mean anything at all... 
Dolby NR encoding - did it ever work
"11-09-15: Raymonda... all Sony D 5's engaged a brick wall multiplex filter when dolby was engaged. This cut off all frequencies above 14,000 hz."No, this is mistaken. First, it wasn't a brickwall filter at all. What the Sony had was the same mult... 
A new player in the quality Mono cartridge game
11-10-15: Johnnyb53" ... These days if you want a mono switch, you have to shop for 40-50 yr-old preamps or integrated amps, order a custom unit or DIY."Sorry, but this is mistaken. Many modern preamps include mono switches, including ARC. 
$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?
"11-09-15: BrfWill ARC give me a $510 price reduction if I buy a Ref 10 without a top cover?"Why don't you ask your dealer?There seems to be no problem with the acrylic cover when the unit has sufficient ventilation, btw. 
$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?
"11-09-15: Geoffkait... why have a cover at all?"One good reason is because the electric current inside of a tube amp or preamp is potentially deadly, often for quite a while even after AC power is turned off. 
Dolby NR encoding - did it ever work
Yes, Dolby B and Dolby C both work. (Dolby A was a professional system.) They require careful level matching however, and that meant that many consumer rec0orders were often out of Dolby alignment. Better recorders such as Nakamichi offered built-... 
$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?
11-03-15: Statman" ... This is for Cleeds, you work for ARC? It is a flaw ..." No, I don't work for ARC.I haven't had any problem at all with the acrylic lid on my preamp. It sits on the top of my rack, though. It's very well ventilated. 
$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?
10-30-15: Lostbears" ...It is a design flaw and ARC knows it."Hmmmm, no it's not a design flaw. If the unit is placed on top of a rack and air allowed to circulate freely around it, then the top will not warp.However, if ventilation is restricted,... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
10-29-15: Zd542" ... the price of copper is $5 a pound . So , it is not the price of the copper . What's left ? ... "The raw materials cost is only part of the cost of a manufactured product. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
10-29-15: Mapman" ... in some cases, a power cord might serve a shielding function against RFi and/or EMI noise, but neither of those are necessarily a problem to start with in all cases."I think Mapman hit a bullseye with this remark, which I thi... 
new Cadenza Blue issue?
" ... this one has its cantilever slightly misaligned, that is when one looks at it from the front, it veers a few degrees to the right. Is this considered normal?"I would not consider that acceptable in a new, high-end cartridge.