
Responses from cleeds

ARC Ref 5se inferior to LS28?
schubertThere are not a few people that will buy something that costs 50K who would not touch exact same  item were it priced at 25K Do you have anything that supports this claim?There are many mistaken notions about wealth and wealthy people. T... 
Do blown preamp tubes cause other issues?
I've never had any problem with damage after losing a tube in an ARC preamplifier, and I've used ARC preamps for decades. I'm currently using a Ref 5SE. 
Non-transferable warranties?
I think transferable warranties are more the exception than the rule in hifi. And as mcintech stated, it's often a warranty requirement that the item be purchased new from an authorized dealer. 
Electrical Panel Grounding
All grounds must be bonded together at the service panel. This is for safety reasons, and to ensure that breakers will trip properly under fault. 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
hifiman5So... Where does this leave the AG community vis a vis Kevin Deal?Every user decides for himself. There's no need for consensus.  
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
@testpilot Don't let nandric trouble you. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this forum. 
Random question/ thoughts about stuff for sale here
gregkohanmim I know that audiophiles (by nature) are always swapping gear and trying new things in pursuit of perfection ...I think that's actually a small subset of audiophiles. Many audiophiles own their gear long-term. 
Best way to Audition amplifier?
buterrier79 Most places I have spoken with do not allow a demo to be taken to my place for audition and the speakers I have are not widely available. What is best way to make the amp selection? Under those circumstances, you should first w... 
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
nandricThis is called ''testimonium paupertatis''  in old good latin. You don't even own the Triplanar but you pretend to know better than those who know what they are talking about. I assume that this is the influence of the Mexican. In empirica... 
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
nandric03-25-2017 12:13pmDear cleeds, ''Your arm sounds defective'' is a curious statement. I am not aware that you listened to my arm. But if you performed tracking ability test and your Triplanar got more than 50 microns ''pure'' I will need to... 
If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy?
rauliruegasTubes are just with out any single way to deffend it other that what you are accustom to that is wrong and it does not matters that you like it because as I posted: what we ike does not matters, what matters is HOW THINGS MUST BE.It... 
Trade in value to a dealer
bigkidzDealers don't want the hassle especially if they do not represent the product line.Many dealers happily accept trades. Those are the ones most likely to get my business.  
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
nandric... I bought the Triplanar VII new in the USA ...Your arm sounds defective. If you purchased it new, it's surely covered under warranty. It should be returned to your dealer for service or replacement. 
Trade in value to a dealer
blang11Im curious why the original poster and another commenter feel they "wouldn't enjoy" selling on Agon or "don't feel comfortable". Why not? Is it a fear of not getting paid? I've had nothing but positive encounters with folks in this "com... 
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
nandricSpeaking about Triplanar weakness. My Triplanar VII ''refused'' to track anything above 50 microns on my test record ...That's odd - the arm sounds defective. Did you buy it used?