Responses from cleeds
Wilson Audio Haters Where I think Bo reveals his hubris is the claim: It has nothing to do with a personal taste. People in audio think and believe the best way of creating an audio system is based on personal preference. Really, this whole hobby is about preference,... | |
Hum hum hum almargIf you search at eBay for "RCA shorting plugs" you'll find many examples, although I'm not aware of any that are readily available for XLR inputs. Cardas makes XLR plugs. They're non-shorting. | |
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics? agear "Stove piping" is something we all do, but its partly the byproduct of our intrinsically schizophrenic hobby ...Please speak for yourself. Schizophrenia is a dreadful disease. It is not "intrinsic" to our hobby. | |
Wilson Audio Haters bo1972YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT ...Shouting won't help, Bo.I think most readers here do understand "it" just fine, by the way. It's pretty clear that causes you a lot of frustration! | |
Wilson Audio Haters bo1972There is one big thing you forget, all audio shops work by trial and error.And you base this claim on ... what? Do you sincerely believe that there is not an audio store on the planet that doesn't know how to use measurements and the scie... | |
Wilson Audio Haters bo1972.... It has nothing to do with personal taste. We see that all people understand that it owns a lower level of emotion ...Oh no, it is all about taste, Bo. Because every system is imperfect, it is up to each listener to decide for himself... | |
Boulder monoblock 2150 bdp24One reason very wealthy people rarely have a high-end system may be that they aren’t as passionate about music as are weI think that's unlikely. The truth is that very few people are into high-end audio, regardless of wealth. It's a niche. | |
Wilson Audio Haters dlcockrumSingle mike recording is not the same thing as monophonic playback, which blends the lateral information into a single source of sound.One microphone captures the spatial information (distances from the microphone) most accurately if... | |
Wilson Audio Haters dlcockrum... single mike recordings usually giving the best illusion of accurate spatial imaging of the actual performanceHow can you capture depth with just a single microphone? Do you actually think monophonic recordings have better "spatial ... | |
Wilson Audio Haters bo1972I think it is time for Wilson Audio to create a new and better look. You see this as negative, but it is not.In Europe there are many people who think they are ugly. Perhaps. Obviously, Wilson customers don't agree with you or those "many p... | |
Boulder monoblock 2150 onhwy61 I have no problem with extreme wealth, except with how it is corrupting our democracy. I think greed is to blame for causing your complaint, not wealth. | |
Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54 lewm....As to the FR64S, I am reporting my listening impressions, NOT my opinion of its design. You say (elsewhere) that you are always learning. How can you learn anything from anyone else, when your mind is so closed to all other opinion?... | |
the best amp to run the bass of infinity RS-1b's A Bryston 4B will work wonders on those woofer towers. | |
Anticables If you're not happy with the cables, why not simply return them to your dealer for a refund? | |
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics? agear Inexplicable censorship. I had a post about NIH-level research involving CBD and Alzheimers pulled. I find it very disconcerting and lessens my desire to be a patron of this site ...That’s not at all what has happened here. You might want t... |