
Responses from cleeds

Isolated ground for 20 amp
erik_squiresThe only thing dedicated lines will do is reduce the noise you might get from other in-home sources.I think the greatest benefit from dedicated lines is the virtual elimination of voltage drop. That might matter less to you if you are... 
Analog or Digital and why?
mikelavigneboth. if your focus is on listening to music ... Exactly. I don’t understand why some seem to insist this is an either/or question.I am into analog bigtime - both LP and tape. But that’s because I grew up in the analog era. If I were s... 
Teac AN-80 Noise Reduction System
The Teac AN-80 is a  Dolby B  encode/decode system for tape. It's of no use with your LPs. Surface noise from LP is something that can be substantially eliminated, but Dolby isn't the remedy. 
What do you think of this power cord?
cakyolHow much power does your amp require ? Add up the wattage of all channels (in case you have a multichannel amp) of your amp, multiply that by 2.5 to account for losses and very dynamic music passages and the peak power requirement, and ... 
Analog or Digital and why?
chrismini ... the digital thing never happened ...The "digital thing" has very much happened. It is everywhere. 
An Odd Question
noble100 Switzerland wasn't actually completely neutral during WWII, Nazi pillaged money proved too tempting for the Swiss banksSwiss banks accepted Nazi cash because the banks were indeed neutral. But there are many people like you, who think a... 
Low incoming voltage
benzmanI had DTE out and the tech climbed poles and replaced some parts but still not enough to make a difference ...My experience (with a different utility) was similar. You may need to be persistent to get the matter corrected. One thing you ca... 
Low incoming voltage
millercarbonYou’re getting a steady 109-111V. So what again is the problem ... there is no problem. US voltage is just as often quoted as 110 as 120, in either case its nominal, with zero ill effects anywhere in that range ... 109 to 111 is preci... 
yogiboyWhat tube amps are rated at 300 watts? I've never seen oneARC 750 watt monos.  
No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?
handymannOne can split a 220VAC line and both are already on the same side of the buss, however if you have two high current monoblocks, the ground or “common” will not be able to carry the amperage that one will need for each amp.If we are talki... 
'Life Above 20kh' Research Paper, Harmonics (Overtones)
rixthetrickIs it plausible that recordings that are captured through a broader frequency range (than considered hearing range), requiring a higher sample rate could bring digital closer to or even as good as analogue?Sure, it's plausible. Why ... 
Game Changing Tweak
bobby1945... Source exclusively streaming from TIDAL.90% of streams suffer from distortion as a result of DRC- I am assuming ...@bobby1945 what is "DRC?"  
Turntable dealer/set up percon
fsonicsmith... I have Fremer's set up DVD ... I thought it would teach me all I needed to know. Not even 10%.@fsonicsmith what setup info do you think is missing from Fremer's DVD?  
Tone arm resonance and cartridge compliance: How do they interact??
br3098Mass is best added distributed along the arm ...Perhaps ...... but will have the most effect closest to the fulcrum.No, the opposite is the case. The further from the fulcrum, the greater the effect of the mass. The pickup arm works as a ... 
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
mijostyn... there is a slight change in VTA with tracking error ...Huh? The two angles are completely unrelated. The current standard VTA seems to be 92 degrees.Oh, no, you’re confusing VTA with Stylus Rake Angle. VTA is typically around 20 degre...