
Responses from clearthink

Fuses fuses fuses
"It is always good to remember that 'objectivity' in all derivations of the word and it's attached vectors and meanings..... exists solely at the will, whim, desires, aims, and projected stance - of an exclusively subjective reality."This should ... 
Curved and Straight Tonearms
" In this alignment on pivoted tonearms audio critical subject at least two gentlemans ( genesis 168 and clearthink ) decided no additional coments, yes this is their privilege"I did not respond to you because it is patently obvious that you don'... 
Curved and Straight Tonearms
"Now, in the old times the protractors or the ones that came with tonearms was not really accurated and people did not to much care making the cartridge/tonearm set-up because they ( including me. ) was only starting to understand the importance o... 
2017 amps - $10K to $15K who is on your short list?
"The facts proof that Pass Labs is incomplete regarding Tru-Fi...Each Pass labs combo of power and pre proofs that the individual focus of instruments and voices are not that intimate...And proofs that people have no idea what the properties are o... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Again what we have here so clearly is an inability for some to comprehend how anyone could spend what they feel is an excessive amount of money on something when in fact they are simply unable to do so because of their own budgets, priorities, res... 
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
"4 pairs I owned did their best square in the middle of the room. "Of course if this is where you placed your speakers and found them to have the most satisfying sound that is just fine and of course very audiophile must decide for him/her self wh... 
Jazz for aficionados
It’s not the Music itself that is the best, it’s the end use to which it is put and the level of that end .Bach said the purpose of music is to glorify God and wrote "To the Glory of God ". And he meant it . Much of Classical music is religious ... 
8K for a one-time listen?
"I really think things like this and $20,000 cables are obscene. To indulge oneself so grotesquely while others are in severe need is truly evil. People are up in arms over government budget cuts to programs for the poor; but never look to their o... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
" You , knowledge, wisdom, reason, manners and logic are mortal enemies "You are obviously confused to believe that things like knowledge and wisdom are mortal enemies indeed a sound argument can be made that the absolute opposite in the case. Ho... 
Skin Orgasms caused by music .
" Works fine to get a mid-hall seat sound of a symphony orchestra which is the most complicated thing in all of music ."Of course it will be readily apparent to most contributors to this esteemed forum that this claim is not supported by reason, ... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
"Classical music is the most difficult to bring into your home."Of course it should be readily apparent to all that this is false because a Music Reproduction System has no way of knowing what style of music it is tasked with reproducing. Yes it i... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
" That there are those with hefty "budgets" that don’t know what they are doing. They believe that everything (or many things) that have extreme price tags MUST be a better product. They are wrong. "But how do you know that they don’t know what th... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
  "I mean, really, a power cord for $6000? Really? Really? That power cable only exists because someone entepenuer knew if he built it fancy, packaged it well and marketed it to the easily swayed, he could sell enough to make a killing"Perhaps y... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
" Either share your techniques or take the marketing spam to a PBN marketing thread."With your kind permission please permit me to remind those here that complaints about spam should be directed to the group's moderators who are easily communicat... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
"...Max. I've spent is $350 on one cable, all are a step-up over stock Power Cables. So my point was you don't have to spend mega dollars to get an improvement. "You seem to be a bit confused on the fundamental nature of consumer economics so I ho...