
Responses from ckorody

A question about front-ported speakers
Trying to read between the lines here...In my experience I have found that you can get a front ported speaker closer to the walls then a rear ported speaker. That said, YMMV = no substitute for trying it in your space.Keep in mind that in many cas... 
Cowboy Junkies-Trinity Revisited...In deed
Tboooe - rest easy - the extra money went to good use - the layering is quite extraordinary and the parts are much better delineated 
Device to record & playback music ?
There is another device called a personal computer you can also use to perform this task. All you need to do is add the appropriate card. It is said that one can actually transform LPs to computer files in this way. 
usb vs toslink?
The USB standard is 15 feet. The big reason for this is that the cable also carries 5v which is how some many USB devices get their power. Power drops over distance. You can extend the USB with various devices but I personally use an Opticis. Colo... 
which external hard disc for music storage?
Hi -A couple of issues no one has touched on. First - heat is the enemy of drives - a fanless enclosure is one way to limit the useful life of the drive - despite the claims that the clever Porsche engineers used the natural convection of aluminum... 
usb vs toslink?
A1126 - if you are not happy with the AE I suggest you try the Hagerman or Blue Circle. You have nice toys and these don't cost much.As Fatparrot points out, there are (nothing new) two flavors of Toslink - glass and plastic. I ran a Wireworld Sup... 
usb vs toslink?
Just to be clear about your terms which I hope will help your research.TOSLINK was developed by Toshiba back in the 70s. It is their equivalent to SPDIF which guess what was developed by Sony. Neither of these formats was ever envisioned as anythi... 
Accidental improvement in
makes perfect sense to me - so here's the question, now that you know what you know, are you going to leave it there? 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
Practically speaking you can go a lot further for less money using Toslink. In my experience the premium Wireworld Super Nova was every bit as good as a SPDIF - difference being I got 5 meters for less then the price of one meter of good (not grea... 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
As Pwfletcher says: Plug the USB cable directly into the Mini and not a hub (if you are going to use a hub make sure it a powered one with its own wall wart). Because a) it will have direct access to the USB and because b) it will have sufficient ... 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
Onhwy61 makes the point elegantly and succinctly - the issue here is not capability but reliability... 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
Hdomke -the wireless system may or may not work to your satisfaction, there is no question that the wired system would. What it would sound like is skips - same as a wireless phone or cell phone losing the connection. Obviously it works well enoug... 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
Apple has just announced some upgrades to the Apple TV along with a price drop. Assuming you have your rig in a room with your HDTV this is an elegant solution. 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
Just to add on to Edo who has certainly put together a nice rig -Running out of a G5 is a nice way to go. Before I moved to USB, I ran the Wireworld SuperNova Toslink from my G5 to my TriVista and it was very very good. Fine solution to 15 feet. N... 
Who is your favorite jazz pianist
Thanks guys - you left me the gimmes - ladies and gentleman it gives me immense pleasure to present Duke Ellington and Count Basie...I just picked up a CD with Peterson and Basie - called "Satch and Josh" very cool.And yes of course, Tatum, Evans,...