
Responses from chrshanl37

McIntosh vs. Vincent
I have heard from other Vincent owners that preferred them to Mcintosh. 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
Will62 I feel your frustration and see this happen all the time on threads. It might seem as if members on here simply cannot help themselves when commenting on your thread with no first hand experience of the amps you had asked about, and perhaps... 
Dood pre amp
Dodd pre’s are a finicky lot and now that Gary is gone it will be tough to service them. I have a friend that owned one and like you he had alot of problems with the batteries as well as tryijg to find the right fit with amps. Its a shame as they ... 
Looking for amp advice (punk, rock & reggae edition)
I’ll pitch in here and 3rd the Hegel suggestion. My musical taste are similar to the OP’s and the Hegel can deliver in spades. I have also owned a Vincent sv 237. For the going prices on the used market the H160 is a real bargain. 
Mea culpa for Uptone Iso Regen USB
Now this is what this hobby as well as this site should be about. Crudo’s to you fsmithjack! I have even offered up pieces of gear for free auditions to members on here many times in the past.  I wish we would see more of this as that is what move... 
Sonus Faber EA II
Might be able to find a pair of used extremas but they rarely come up for sale. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
I think he is making a comment on the lack of brevity in your posts.  
Bi Wire Cables vs Jumpers?
Great speakers freediver! I built a second sytem with a pair and I really enjoyed them but sadly I am selling it off due to space issues. Cables I used were morrow sp4 bi-wire and the sound was very good with no harsh or bright highs. Then switche... 
Vacuum Tube Retailer Option
+3 TC Tubes. I have visited them on several occasions and they are extremely knowledgeable and know exactly what they are doing. Aside from that, Tyler and Chelsea are among the nicest people I have ever encountered in the audio business. 
ELAC - Adante... what’s the verdict?
I don’t find the 610’s analytical at all and like james_w514 I would like to get some time with the 630’s or even the 620’s. 
What Bookshelf / Stand Mounted Speakers To Pair With Vintage Electronics?
ADS all the way +1 for l710/810 
Quincy Jones Interview
Careful loomis jfant will have your post removed like he did mine 
Volume Settings/Control - DAC vs Preamp?
When I purchased my Node 2 last year I had a modest set-up consisting of a Peachtree Grand Pre and a Sunfire stereo amp. At the time I was using the dac in the Peach but had to bypass it to listen to Tidal MQA tracks. Then I started just using the... 
Chinese Class A SS
I read a while back that a member on here replaced his mbl 9008a with a douk amp I think his name is jaynewt. 
Newbie looking for amplifier advice
Op, what amp did you end up buying? I picked up a pair of 610’s for fun after reading so many good things about them and I have to say they are impressive to say the least.