
Responses from chriskeating

Sonus Faber
I used the Guarneris with a Rel Strata III. This is a sealed box design and is very quick with appropriate adjustments for proper blending. The cherry finish actually looks OK near the Guarneri too. 
Avantgarde in small room?
I have Unos in a 19 X 11 X 8 room. They are great in this room and can be even better in a larger room. One of the nice things about horns is the directivity. They are less prone to side wall reflections so they work OK in a challenged room. The b... 
Sonus Faber Sound?
I agree with Chris about the highs. They are well integrated and voiced properly. They are not exaggerated or etched like some speakers. There is PLENTY of high frequency detail but it is in proportion with the rest of the frequency range.Chris 
Sonus Faber Sound?
I owned the original Electa Amators and also the Guarneri Homage. I found both speakers to have wonderful tone. I would never describe them as dark, but warm is somewhat descriptive. The Guarneri were very refined. The EA's were extremely well ext... 
Wadi internal level adjustment
Ideally, you would want to be using the digital volume control on the Wadia in the 75-100 range. If you are normally listening and the volume scale reads 50 or 60 you are giving up too many bits, so you would adjust the internal dip switches to a ... 
Audio Note Kondo
Some of the transformers have silver secondaries. The amps are held in such regard because the craftsmanship is imaculate and the sound is pure music. I have the older AN Neiro. It is just superb. 
What's Best Care for Piano Black Finish Speakers?
Feather duster 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
This is a tough question since Silver can show the warts in your system very clearly. I have just replaced all of my 47Labs OTA cabling with Audio NOte silver wire. The differences are NOT subtle. The silver wire (in my system) is both more detail... 
From Avantgarde to a conventional speaker?
Neville,I own Avantgardes and I know what you are describing. You might look into a single driver speaker like Cain and Cain, Rethm, Beauhorn, or even the inexpensive Hornshoppe speaker. Although the Bass might be a tiny bit light, the resolution ... 
Mid-priced warm sounding DAC?
I think that all the advice to check out the non-oversampling dacs is right on the money. I have a Shigaraki DAC and it is filterless and non-oversampling and I run it with a battery. It is SMOOTH and MUSICAL and just porridge. 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
FI X ampRadio Shack LX Linaeum speakersSonic Impact T ampHornshoppe speakers.Rega Planar 2 or 3Dynaco Stereo 70 
300b tube amp question and recommedations
I think there is a pair of Welborne DRD's for sale right now that would satisfy your craving as well as negate any worries about weak bass. 
Digital Connundrum - Levinson? Audio Aero?
I don't know if this is germaine, but I sold my 390S and have all 47Labs digital gear now. I will NEVER go back. The fluid way this non-oversampling, filterless stuff has with music is great. I don't feel that I've given anything up, but have gain... 
Best Line conditioner under $1000 used
You might try a new Welborne Gatekeeper. They are better than the Chang IMHO, and really a good value. 
Tally up best digital player ever
47Labs Pitracer and Kondo DAC