Responses from chenry
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget You might consider something like Omega Super Alnico Monitors, which are full-range, mated with a REL subwoofer. The combination will not have excessive upper range dissonance and will have a very natural sound. They are also efficient, with sens... | |
Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update The auction prices don't tell us much except what equipment brings in a short sale window with unknowns regarding condition and costs of removal and transport. Whatever the system might have sounded like in the space where it was designed to sit c... | |
Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update The story is well over a year old, longer since Ken's death, the recorded interviews, several years. He built what he thought would sound best within a generous budget for any home system. He appeared to have a large vinyl collection, and his play... | |
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit Since you are already in the rarefied heights of CJ, I would suggest McIntosh C55 as a starting point. It seems to have everything you want. Less expensive, but not budget-level, would be Pro-Ject Pre-Box RS2, which is balanced I/O, has a dual ch... | |
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit I have been using a preamp with a selectable tube gain section (Pro-Ject Pre Box RS2 Digital) with a ss class-D amp (NAD C298, which uses a Purify design). The combination has worked very well. The amplifier is rated 185W into 8 ohms. | |
Budget integrated amp? Yamaha A S-801. | |
What's the best Line Magnetic SET amp? The JBL 4349 speakers use a dual compression driver horn and a conventional 12-inch low frequency cone driver. They are large, for a "monitor," and are typically stand mounted to the JBL JS-150 stand. They do very well with tubes (and also with cl... | |
DarTzeel’s new direction There can only be so many buyers of $250,000 amplifiers. At that level, a certain level of performance is expected, and appearance, but that isn't all of it. How much better are they than the units that sell for a quarter the price? Veblen goods a... | |
What's the best Line Magnetic SET amp? I am a little confused by what you are saying. You already are using a transmitter triode SET from Line Magnetic and are wondering whether a different transmitter triode SET also from Line Magnetic would be better and a "step up" from your current... | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? If there is no reason to believe the used speakers are in less than excellent cosmetic and operating condition, and you can know their provenance (i.e., not stolen or bought from a flood salvage liquidator,) buying the speakers at $30K reduces you... | |
Looking for a narrow baffle small footprint speaker Dutch & Dutch 8c, Yes it's a standmount, but a complete system: smartspeaker, powered, with a streamer, DAC and room correction. And it is a three-way. About $16K. A living room system ought to sound good but also not be obvious and certainly... | |
All in One amp up to $7k JBL SA-750 will leave you with some money in your pocket while giving you streamer, DAC and integrated. 120W Class "G". I believe Arcam has a similarly featured model. | |
Your reaction to Herve Deletraz’s statement re: hi end and darTZeel Vague, but parsing it suggests: 1 His highest-end products will be available now only on a build-to-order basis, with presumed delays necessary for production. No purchase from stock. 2. Some new line of products not yet specified, will be produ... | |
??? How Much Would You Spend ??? Or you could go for a pair of Dutch & Dutch 8c and call it done. | |
Integrated amp for 2500-3000 Consider the Yamaha A S2200 which can be had here and there for about $3000 (list is $4200 or so), solid-state, of course, plenty powerful and very well built. Tube amp, a new Willsenton R8 and a tube upgrade would be well within your budget. Sto... |