
Responses from chazzbo

Cary in bed with Stereophile?????
Matching is key as well as your taste.Though tube pre's/amps vary in type of sound and quality/value so is the case for solid state.But truisms can generally be established .SS gear gives more clear,less rolled off highs and tighter bass whereas t... 
Recommended female vocalists?
Like the Orton and Eva Cassidy choices.I have over 1K jaz vocal discs and could rant about gals klike the Kenton songbirds (Anita O'day,June Christy,Chris Connor) and the usual suspects but let me say up front I like a traditonal Great American So... 
Favorite Tube Amps, Reasonably Priced
Rogues are great and have balls out the yang.I picked up a Mesa Baron used fpr cheap and i'll tell 'ya nothing beats tons of tube power.If you can wait fo it to come up used the Baron is terrific in that it can be switched from pentode to single e... 
High Quality Passive Preamp Recommendtion
I second the adcom.I liked mine and am not sure if I should have sold it.I kept a Mac which was an overachiever.But the adcomn was flexible,fully balanced,and i thought my rig sounded better in active mode.But you could have best of both worlds an... 
Mixing Silver and Copper cables -- Good or bad??
So many factors such as what dialetric or what the true resitance is etc make the difference.This claim would make me skeptical as to his other "claims".It's just BS so he has something to say. 
Help with Avalon Opuses
If tubes are your thing than try the Mesa Baron.I dig mine and can get 150 wpc in full Ppentode.Other folks out there are more in the know but the ability to switch the sucker on the fly according to what tunes I am lsitening to can't be beat.Righ... 
Tube Amp Recommendation
Rogue 120''s or a good deal on a Mesa Baron like I got.The Baron lists for $4K but can be had fopr $1500 used.150 watts full pentode and the abiltiy to tailor 12 5881's/El34's in thirds to triod/pentode make this the best piece of gear I have pick... 
speaker cables with a warm sound
Cardas.My buddy thought his Krell too bright and they were just the trick.Not for everyone and not as detailed as others but very lush. 
What are the best CD-changers?
The question is how long will it last.The Adcom would be a good deal @$700 but it and the $1K and $1.5 K CAL crap out after some time.Check the new Sony $800 that has some heft and plays SACD.Genrally speaking CD only no longer makes sense.Even a ... 
Should I get a full funtion preamp or a phono stage
Get both.If you want check out a pre with a stage and when $$$ allows get a (tube) stage.But money is the key.The Adcom GFP-750 for $1250 list used and a good stage is a start.But instead of buying this at list or $800 used get good tube pre like ... 
counterfeit NBS cables
But then again look at it his way.Unlike an electronic manufacturer he has no potential gain in servicing or upgrade.Buy used but but don't expect the guy to hold your hand while you do it. 
Belated obituary to a jazz great
Oh yeah.SdCambell I am sure we can take up a collection for you to attend as many Kenny G and John Tesh concerts as your schedule permits. 
Belated obituary to a jazz great
Try his late masterpiece "Lush Life" The vanguard stuff with Foster and Carter, and back to his early BN's like "In and Out" and "Inner Urge".When folks ask me why I love jazz so much I say among other things that an individuals personality comes ... 
David Gray.. White Ladder...
What does it matter?Two words:"Dylan" and "light" come to mind. 
A minor rant
A follow up.Just like the bone-headed reviewer who would place $1500 worth of balls under a $1k amp many folks will get all those tweaks goiing and not do soemthing primary like put points and a heavy base on an old wood floor etc.Seen it all the ...