
Responses from chazzbo

Where do I find USED Manley products online.
Think ebay has a Stingray up now. 
defy my logic.I may not be as knowlegeable,well versed,exposed etc as you guys but really can wire be worth $1K a meter?I mean aomebody get's a $5K speaker and spends $2K on each other component.Wouldn't that dough be better spent getting a better... 
best matching gears with Virgos, help please.
As far as matching goes that's your taste and budget.Ruleof thumb is that (and some may disagree) that the amp will have a greater bearing on sound than pre.Tubes give better mids but can soften or roll off frequency extension.I am a tube guy and ... 
Speakers for Conrad-Johnson MV-60
I always wonder why folks buy amps before the speaker.I would choose speaker first and if it can use softening or better mids get a tube rig.If it needs bass control solid state.Check the magazines like Stereophiles Recomended components issue to ... 
VPI Flywheel with Aries Turntable - Help
I have an extended Aries with the bearing upgrade.Not sure if it's the extended nature or the bearing being top of the line or what but a tech who has always pointed me right in the past said that you shouldn't used the flywheel with MY table.I'd ... 
Record Cleaning - Cartridge Damage
Thought a while back I heard that folks at Linn sold a fine grit sandpaper to clean the stylus.To me this makes sense given that it is a diamond.I use most of the LAST products but like others am concenerd that any wet cleaner isn't getting the gr... 
B&W Speaker Selection Help-Maybe Amp help
I sell the Nautilus where I work.Whereas I would definitely agree with Poorguy if it were your current Matrix speakers I would say that the 805 would be a better choice value wise than 804 (and the 803 Matrix for that matter) the new ones are all ... 
Which record brush?
Not to change subject but like this home brew (tech at VPI told me recipie) empty out 1 gal of distilled water in pot dump 1 pt. of rubbing alcohol in add 2 or 3 drops of dish liquid (clear if possible) and get some stuff from a photo shop called ... 
35 and 40 ft runs-Balanced will be expensive
Waited a while to see how many posts.Thanks for the pheedback I might go the pro route and see what happens for less than $200.Thanks again. 
Preamp Showdown: BAT or Sonic Frontiers?
Well after you've made your choice find thatbuddy who loves your speakers then sell for $2K-2500 and try the new 803.Staying with everything you like about your current speakers but new one's blow 'em away for $1K more list. 
Vandersteen 2ce upgrade?
The type of music you specified doesen't require a lot of slam factor.There are a number of good moniotr speakers like the B&W 805,Joseph 7's,(expensively) the RedRose monitor. which would give you great imaging trading off a big sound stage f... 
100w tube vs ss for Mag 3.6s
P.S. the Baron can be run Pentode for 150 wpc but run triode in thirds for 90/120/150 on the fly so you may want more seductive harmonics on some music and full punch on others. 
100w tube vs ss for Mag 3.6s
Look for a used Mesa Baron for less than $2K and have your cake and eat it too with 150wpc.I am in opposite direction problem wise.My Mesa was great for a pair of 89db monitors but now I have 93 db efficiency so am tempted to go to SET's.But too m... 
BAT 3i or AR LS-7??????
Beyond the ability to run a long legth from rig to power amp and keep the cables short I wonder about the balanced /unbalanced thing.My $5K turnatable is single ended as is my digital source.Yeah true balanced from signal source is best as I have ... 
UNO speakers
The major knock on horns is how they color the sound.Think Klipsch and you get the ugly idea.While I am sure the Avantegarde products are good I stumbled on one that are fantatstic.The germamn speker company Einstein makes another line called the ...