

Responses from charliee

Preamp Deal of the Century
Where did everybody go? 
The absolute best and worst-sounding CD you own ?
I have two choices for best:1. The Super Extended Resolution Sound of TBM (three blind mice). Cant stand some of the cuts, but wonderfull recording.FIM XRCD2.Pinetop Perkins - Born in the Delta. Pinetops best, deltablues genre. Very clear, dynamic... 
VTL 5.5 pre-amp tube advice needed.
Hiendmmoe,I previously owned the 5.5 and I tried a few differant com-binations. What I ended up with was: four premium Mullard6201's in the 12AT7 positions, and two Amperex Bugle Boy12AX7's.I did try Mullard CV 4004 in the 12AX7 position which wer... 
Recommendations for speaker stand filler
Hi Scotty,In the past I've used sterilized sand which I purchased atHome Depot. Also, I just put together a pair of stands for my mom andI used pure crushed marble. Simular consistency to sand,but granular like salt, but the grains are larger than... 
Subs with balanced inputs?
The Revel B-15 Performa. It has both balanced and RCA in-puts. And the quality of the amp is definatly better thanthe $80 variety. 
What do I need to effectively clean my records
Hi Matt, You can go to www.amusicdirect.com and find all the clean-ing products you may need. If you dont have a machine youcan clean your records with a set of Disc Doctor MiracleRecord Brushes, Record Reasearch Labs Super Record Wash,and then ri... 
Next step up in Amplifier for ProAc Response 3.8
My two cents worth,I have a pair of ProAc Response 2.5's in my system. I runthem with a Supratek Syrah pre amp, and a Theta Dreadnaughtamplifier. Unless I win the lottery I will probobly keep useing thiscombination untill they give up the ghost. I... 
xrcd 24 - someone did digital right
Czbbcl, try www.elusivedisc.com & www.amusicdirect.comI buy the Japanese jazz xrcd selections from the Three Blind Mice label at these sights. I have not looked for classical titles, but it's worth a look. Elusive is a very good site for vinyl... 
How well does the VPI 16.5 work??
If by chance you are interested in the sota, I ordered onefor $599 plus tax and shipping from HCM Audio in Chico Ca.That is for a brand new unit,and also way under the retail.Check out hcmaudio.com I found them thru the Sota website.Just my two ce... 
What are the dates and location for Hi-Fi 2003
If you are referring to Home Entertainment 2003, it's june5-8. Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco,Ca. Website, www.HE2003.com for info & tickets or800-830-3976, ext. 100 
A Preamp Question-- CJ or BAT
Saxo,I recently visited local dealors to see and hear the CJ, and the BAT VK-30, my listening experiance was a bit theopposite of what you have been hearing or reading.The Conrad Johnson pre, along with a CJ amp was very smoothand a bit warm to me... 
help with harshness / brightness - cary 303-100
How many hours of break in time do you have on the player?It requires about 300 hrs. before it smooths out.Set it to play on repeat and let it play continuously tobuild up break in time when you not useing your system.Check out the review on the C...