Responses from charles1dad
How big of a difference do amps make? Mrmb,I`ve heard that happen with some systems also, it depends on the particular speaker being driven.I `d bet your tube amplifiers have very good quality transformers and a stout power supply. Numbers and specifications on a sheet of paper don`t ... | |
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore The worse network by far IMO is MsNBC, just pathetic programing and lack of objectivity.Now back to audio topics.Regards, | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil Chadeffect,I don`t even consider the Duelunds "expensive" anymore.Their performance relative to the cost is such a high ratio that I believe they are a very high value purchase.The best sounding system I heard at CES a few days ago used the Absola... | |
How do I smooth out violins? Rok2id,If you notice, there`re acutually a number of posts here advising the OP to be systematic in approaching this issue.As has been say repeatedly, be sure it is`nt a 'recording issue' before changing and swapping components blindly.Take one se... | |
What is the best transport? I agree with Levy03 in that the PWT is really an exceptional product that offers very high quality sound.It does`nt surprise me the the PWT competes so well with the much more costly Esoteric.The PWT offers 'very high' value and will be difficult(... | |
How do I smooth out violins? Hi Frogman,You make a good point,a CD player built to sell for 400.00 retail certainly faces cost restraints.Likely small power supply, wimpy transformer and cheap op-amps and caps needed to meet budget. High quality digital can sound excellent wi... | |
Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high Amuseb,Nice speakers! I`d really like to hear those hornings one day. These speakers are quite efficient and you have more system gain than you require.I had this problem initially (my speakers are 94 db at 8 ohms)with my linestage having 20 db of... | |
How do I smooth out violins? Rrog,You did`nt understand a word I wrote.Audiophile only recordings are the opposite of what I prefer to listen to(mainstream jazz labels big and small both). You need to use a 'good' recording to determine if the problem is in fact inherent to t... | |
How do I smooth out violins? "Trying to find recordings that sound good with your system does`nt make sense". It makes plenty of sense.How can you judge the sound quality and characteristics of your system without using a known recording to evaluate its reproduction and possi... | |
How do I smooth out violins? I agree with the advice of those who suggest addressing the recording it self.If you find it is`nt the recording then I would next approach the AC power quality(this can make a significant difference) and audition some very good conditioners.If th... | |
Placement of electronics I agree with grannyring.My components are on a low and open frame rack about 4 feet behind the speakers.The speaker as the source of sound completely disappears with most recordings.Regards, | |
Uprgrading my Metrum Octave DAC As good as many find the Octave,the new Metrum Hex is said to be a substantial improvement(that`s impressive). See the current 6 moons review and comments.Regards, | |
The Making of a Jazz Audiophile...Interesting Read Rok2id,You can certainly develop a very good sounding system without spending huge sums of money. Everyone has their personal boundries for budget.Patience,planning and listening will get you a wonderful and enjoyable music playback system.There`s... | |
Analog vs Digital Confusion Dctom,Nice post, very thoughtful and sincere.Regards, | |
Sound of transformers in preamps? The VAC Sginature MK II is one of the best sounding preamps I`ve ever heard. Theory aside,it`s always what you "hear" that matters in the end.Regards, |